Greasy Wop Porn Lawyer Challenges Don Jr. to MMA Fight

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2018



Abrasive attorney Michael Avenatti may soon have the opportunity to do what every Democrat dreams of doing: taking a swing at Donald Trump.

During a lunch date with MSNBC reporter Dylan Byers, Avenatti proposed a three-round MMA fight with Trump Jr. for charity. In a later tweet, he clarified that his half of the proceeds would be split between the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) and rebuilding Puerto Rico.

This guy really has nothing left to lose.

Adding those gang-rape claims to the list of accusations against Kavanaugh really made sure that the Jew plot was going to fail, and I think he knows he’s going to be buried over that.

So literal octagon battles would be the best thing for his brand at this point.

Don Jr. is bigger than Avenatti and 7 years younger. But if he lost, he would just say that three rounds wasn’t enough, it should have been 30 rounds and he would have won. So it’s a win-win for him.

Don Jr. has little to gain from such a fight, other than lols.

Might be worth it though. At this point, who even cares about not doing stuff like this?