Great Idea: Let’s Turn Notre Dame Into a Repulsive Secular Monument to Environmentalism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2019

The question on everyone’s mind after the fire in the 800-year-old Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is: why not rebuild it as a “monument to our times” with a glass roof and something to with environmentalism or whatever?

Christians have yet to come up with a reason why this shouldn’t be done, so probably they’re going to go ahead and do it because fuck Christianity amirite?

Like, what with the patriarchy and the Crusades and the Holocaust and so on and so forth, Christian churches really are nothing more than monuments to white supremacy, so they should basically all just be replaced with ecogardens or whatever.


Top French design bureau Vincent Callebaut Architectures has gone viral with its plans to replace the roof of the medieval cathedral with a glass shell filled with solar panels.

Underneath will be a “sustainable” farm capable of producing 21 tons of fruit and vegetables each year, to be given out for free to the homeless. Not coincidentally perhaps, this is at least the third eco-garden proposal that has been made public, while the vast majority of the submitted designs for the planned reconstruction feature a glass roof.

One can picture the unquestioning thought processes percolating through these architectural firms: how can we keep the idea of a church being a beneficial public space alive, while updating it to the present day? What could be more positive than green energy?

There is one thing: restoring Notre Dame as a cathedral space. One understands that these designers are secular in their worldview even if nominally religious, but why do they so blithely assume that they can take a building away from the Catholics who have maintained it continuously for 800 years, without even asking them, and turn it into something more to their liking? Esoteric as it may be, a cathedral has a function that is spiritual – it should facilitate communion with God – and having a vegetable patch may dilute this purpose. Environmentalism, quasi-religious as it is, does not equal bona fide Christianity.

That may well have been true in 2015 or a couple months ago or whatever, but people have changed with the times.

No, people have woken up to the threat of Christianity and its links to whiteness, white privilege and white supremacy. So it’s basically time to just start bulldozing churches and replacing them with dilation stations and mosques and other less offensive things.

But the least you can do is take a church that is already burned – totally by accident, we assure you – and replace it with some disgustingly ugly steel and glass monstrosity that represents global warming or something.

Anyone who is against this plan might as well be arrested and thrown in prison for promoting white supremacy.

We have to move forward into the future, and the time is now.