Great Merkel Ally Erdogan Puts Academics on Trial for Questioning Him

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2016


The King and Queen of Europe: Uniting the Continent under Islamic dictatorship.

The EU has officially dropped all pretense of caring about liberal democracy, human rights, basic freedom, etc. with the Merkel alliance with the terrorist dictator of Turkey, Tayyip Erdogan.

This country is literally prosecuting journalists and academics for questioning the state.

Far from decrying these abuses, Merkel is allowing the ape Erdogan to dictate state policy in Germany. She recently bowed down and obeyed his order to prosecute a comedian who mocked him with a mean poem.


Four Turkish academics are to face trial in Istanbul after having been charged with spreading “terrorist propaganda.” Their alleged crime was to denounce the renewed conflict with Turkey’s Kurds. Protesters are already gathering outside the court in Istanbul.

The four academics were part of a group of more than 1,000 scholars who signed a declaration in January that was critical of the Turkish government’s military intervention into the predominantly Kurdish southeast of the country.

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not take kindly to the signing of the petition and opened legal proceedings against some of those who signed the document.

A 2 1/2-year ceasefire between the PKK and Ankara was shattered in July. Kurdish militants are fighting for the right to self-determination and greater autonomy for Kurds – demands that Ankara rejects.

Since July, almost 400 soldiers and police and several thousand militants have been killed in the conflict which has largely take part in the southeast of Turkey, according to government figures. Opposition parties say between 500 and 1,000 civilians have also been killed in the fighting.

Meanwhile in a separate courtroom, the trial against two Cumhuriyet journalists who are charged with spying and aiding a terrorist organization is continuing.

Can Dundar, editor-in-chief of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, and Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gul are facing life in prison after they published information that alleged the Turkish government was complicit in ferrying arms shipments into Syria.

Hundreds of protesters have gathered outside the court in Turkey’s largest city to protest the two trials, which demonstrators see as an erosion of free speech in the country, which is being carried out by the Turkish government.

Turkish authorities have recently taken a number of steps aimed at suppressing freedom of the press, from taking over Turkey’s biggest newspaper, Zaman, to banning Russia’s Sputnik news agency.

“In short, journalism is in a coma in Turkey. Erdogan’s administration doesn’t seem to tolerate any criticism at all. It is impossible to do real journalism in Turkey right now,” Dr. Y. Alp Aslandogan, a Board Member of the Gulen Institute, told RT.

In actual reality, there is no perceivable difference between Turkey’s prosecution of those who question Erdogan’s warmongering and terrorism and Germany’s prosecution of those who question Merkel’s invasion agenda and covering-up of mass sex-attacks by her “migrants.”

Germany is putting an end to hate speech on the Internet - CNET

Germany is also a country with a 70 year history of censoring the truth about Adolf Hitler and German National Socialism, which has involved imprisoning anyone who dares to question the official narrative put down by the government.


So it is really not a surprise that Merkel finds such a great friend in Turkey, and desires to make them a part of the European Union. The whole EU system is rapidly dismissing its earlier claims of “freedom and democracy” and moving into aggressive, abusive authoritarian Marxism.

Erdogan’s Turkey will fit right in.