Great Plan: Ash Carter Sending More Troops to Iraq

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 12, 2016

isis pokemon go

ISIS has released a comprehensive plan to catch and train Pokemon. We have to stop them. In the name of democracy and freedom.

Ash Carter has stressed the need to “get all up in” Iraq before the launch of the Iraqi version of Pokemon Go. “Imagine if ISIS had access to an entire network of rare Pokemon,” Carter said. The US has a moral duty to prevent that from happening.”

Carter himself has repeatedly failed to train and catch enough Pokemon to sustain the war effort against ISIS and Assad, resulting in severe shame. Carter comes from a family of Pokemon trainers, and was named for the lead character in the franchise, Ash Ketchum (サトシ).


Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, who arrived in Baghdad Monday, announced the U.S. is sending 560 additional troops to Iraq as part of the stepped-up fight against the “cancer” of ISIS.

Most of the troops will be stationed at the recently recaptured Qarayyah airfield, which is about 25 miles south of Mosul and will be a key staging area for the upcoming U.S. and Iraqi effort to retake that city from the terror group.

President Barack Obama approved the deployment. The new troop cap in Iraq is 4,647, according to the Pentagon, although there are currently just over 3,600 troops in the country.

A senior U.S. military official said the number of additional troops is what had been requested by Gen. Sean MacFarland, commander of the coalition against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and the official added that there could be requests for more troops in the future.

Carter said the additional troops will deploy in days or weeks and had already received their orders.

“We need to be clear that there are Americans at risk here in Iraq, there have been, I’ve emphasized that right along,” Carter told reporters in Baghdad. “They are doing all kinds of essential functions. Their basic strategic function is enabling but there is risk associated with that. Make no mistake about that.”

The 560 new U.S. troops are specifically for the fight to recapture Mosul. They will assist the Iraqi troops on the Qarayyah base with logistics, because a large number of Iraqis will be sent there. But the Americans may also accompany Iraqi forces.

“At every step in this campaign, we have generated and seized additional opportunities to hasten ISIL’s lasting defeat,” Carter said in a statement, using another name for ISIS. “These additional U.S. forces will bring unique capabilities to the campaign and provide critical enabler support to Iraqi forces at a key moment in the fight.”

It’s a bizarre situation.

The US effectively created ISIS (purposefully or not), and shares key strategic interests with them. Yet they are being pressured into doing something to fight them, and they look insane in front of the world if they just keep allying with them. It’s beyond the scale of CIA black-ops at this point, so they really have to either totally pull-out of the region, or do something to fight ISIS, following the entry of Russia (who called them out for faking bombing of ISIS).

But by fighting ISIS, they are helping both Assad and Iran, the two top enemies of Greatest Ally.

snorlax isis under attack

Snorlax roflmfao. Do you guys even know how funny I am? I can’t even hardly write this crap in public places, I laugh too hard while I’m typing.