Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2015

Greek court officials came out today and claimed that the leader of the Golden Dawn and all or most of the elected members of parliament are going to trial “soon” on charges of… being criminals. Because it is a crime to be a criminal, you know. A most heinous crime.
Remember, this all goes back to a guy getting stabbed in a drunken bar-fight after a football match by a guy who had maybe swept floors as a volunteer for the Golden Dawn.
“In its final report, the [judicial] council decided that 72 defendants, including Golden Dawn’s leader and its former parliamentary group, will stand trial for leading and participating in a criminal organisation,” one of the court officials, asking not to be identified, told Reuters.
Golden Dawn had 16 lawmakers in parliament before it was dissolved ahead of the election. Thirteen of the lawmakers were re-elected on 25 January.
A date for the trial has not yet been set but it will take place soon, officials said. If convicted, the defendants could face up to 20 years in prison.
The leader of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Mihaloliakos, the party’s former spokesman and prominent lawmaker Ilias Kasidiaris and five other outgoing lawmakers are in pre-trial detention. A further three lawmakers are under house arrest. The judges decided not to lift any of the restrictions imposed on the accused.
The Golden Dawn arrests were the most significant mass roundup of lawmakers since Greece’s 1967 military coup.
I had half believed they were just going to hold these men indefinitely without trial, given that the charges are so nonsensical. They are claiming a political party is secretly a criminal gang,” and that – of course – being a criminal is a crime.
The details are sketchy, but apparently this is some movement by the Syriza government to show that they are serious people and not simply going to hold political enemies in prison like it’s the Soviet Union.
As I understand it, Greek courts are still functional, which means when this goes to trial, everyone is going to get off. I mean, when they first arrested these guys, they were saying things like “this one guy was texting with an underage girl.” Then they started saying it was somehow against the law to train martial arts.
The big charge – that party officials, for no reason, ordered an “assassination” of a leftist rapper is so fundamentally retarded that it should get dismissed almost immediately.
The Samaras government successfully passed Jewish “hate crimes” legislation, but that doesn’t appear to be what they are charging them with now.