Joe Badoglio
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2015

The racial soul is a concept from the religion of the conquerors of ancient India. They held that soul has a racial, physical basis. The purpose of this article is not to explain ancient Aryan metaphysics, but to explain the idea based upon my reading of “The Mythos of the Twentieth Century” by Alfred Rosenberg.
Rosenberg was a Baltic German who served the Reich as Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories during the second World War. His contention was that far from being “untrue,” mythology and art are the deepest expressions of a people, or race – and therefore, the truest way in which we can ever know that people or race.
His main focus seems to be the greatest civilization that the world has ever known – the Greeks. When you read the mythology of the Greeks, and gaze upon their sculptures and architectural monuments, you get a true sense of what these people were about – their “Greekness,” if you will.
The Germans are another people whose soul can be felt through their greatest art, which is music. Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach never fail to stir the soul. Some consider Richard Wagner their greatest artist, as he combined music and drama together with transcendent themes of Nordic mythology, and incredible synthesis. Contrast this with the art of African peoples, which appears ugly and demonic to Western eyes. This, too, is a look into the soul of another race.
Finally, a quote from another German artist “…the ideal of the Hellenic culture should be preserved in all it’s marvellous beauty. The differences between the various peoples should not prevent us from recognizing the community of race which unites them on a higher plane. The conflict of our times is one that is being waged around great objectives. A civilization is fighting for it’s existence. It is a civlization that is the product of thousands of years of historical development, and the Greek as well as the German forms part of it.” Mein Kampf, Chapter II.