Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2015

Looks like someone forgot the Holocaust!
Crucifixion time again!
Greece’s newly elected government hit its first setback hours after it was sworn in on Wednesday, in a row over whether a junior minister had posted offensive tweets online.
In what might be one of the shortest cabinet appointments in recent years, deputy infrastructure and transport minister Dimitris Kammenos was asked to resign, amid a furore over alleged postings on Twitter. “Until the truth is clarified on anti-semitic and racist posts, the deputy minister will facilitate (the issue) with his resignation,” Panos Kammenos, the leader of the Independent Greeks party, said in a posting on his official Twitter account.
The minister was named in a new cabinet sworn in earlier Wednesday under Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Dimitris Kammenos, who is unrelated to his party leader, was not immediately available for comment.
Kammenos is a member of the right-wing Independent Greeks (IG) party, coalition partners with Tsipras’s leftist Syriza party. In a statement, Kammenos said his social media posts were handled by a team of aides and his accounts had been hacked many times. He said the majority of the alleged postings were ‘distortions of the truth’.
“I am opposed to any related posts which were perceived or were insulting to groups of fellow citizens. With this statement, I want to personally apologise to anyone disturbed (by this), and categorically condemn racism, homophobia and anti-semitism,” Kammenos said in a statement.
First time ever any Greek muttered the words “categorically condemn racism, homophobia and anti-semitism” and it’s not a leftist, but a cuckservative!
In Greece, even the communists hate Jews!
When will people realize this apologizing never, ever makes the situation better?
I mean, how hard is it to say “yeah, you know, like many of the people of this country, I am critical of influence of Jews on our society, our politics and our economy, and if that means I am no longer allowed to serve the Greek people, then so be it”?
He would be hailed as a hero – regardless of who he even is or what he’s ever done – across a country which the ADL has claimed is the most anti-Jew nation outside of the Middle East.
One of the tweets was about Jews doing 9/11:
Instead of cucking out, why not be like “screw you guys, I’m joining Golden Dawn”?