Daily Stormer
April 8, 2015

Greece owes Germany money? How about switching that up – Germany owes Greece money.
Because Hitler.
Greece says Germany owes it more than $300 billion in World War II-era reparations for the Nazi occupation of the country.
“According to our calculations, the debt linked to German reparations is 278.7 billion euros,” Deputy Finance Minister Dimitris Mardas told a parliamentary committee that is investigating Greece’s debt crisis.
The figure, which is about $305.17 billion, comes from the country’s General Accounting Office and includes an occupation loan the Nazis forced the Bank of Greece to make.
The BBC says it’s the first time Greece has set a figure on what it says Germany owes it for the Nazi occupation of the country in the 1940s. Reuters adds: “The campaign for compensation has gained momentum in the past few years as Greeks have suffered hardship under austerity measures imposed by the European Union and International Monetary Fund in exchange for bailouts totaling 240 billion euros to save Greece from bankruptcy.”
By continually apologizing for Hitler and saying they did something wrong, Germany has put itself in a position where it really has no choice but to pay whatever people ask of them.
They could of either said “we need did that Holo,” or “yeah we did the Holo – what of it?” But as they instead said “ZOMG I’M SO SORRY.” Now they don’t have a choice but to pay.
It is sort of a hilarious situation, all things considered.