Greece: Easter Used as Cover by Jews Trying to Ban Golden Dawn

XA Ameriki
April 21, 2014


Who Jew?
Who Jew?

As we speak, a number of back room deals are being made by renegade democrats preying on the Supreme Court while everyone is busy with religious festivities.  In two separate Greek newspapers it has been reported that New Democracy’s political manipulations have been revived. A common factor in both reports is regarding the improper engagement of the Supreme Court to use it to effect political life in Greece.

In the first piece, there is talk of Jewish organizations from America going to Greece in order to discuss with the perjurers of the magistrate and corrupt politicians the status of the case against Golden Dawn. “Of chief importance will be the Supreme Court’s decision to declare whether Golden Dawn will be allowed to participate in the next elections, a decision that will be made simultaneously with the pass of a new law in early May” wrote the newspaper “To Vima”.

The newspaper “Dimokratia” also wrote about a lengthy discussion on this matter between Samaras and European Union Commissioner for Justice, Viviane Reding.  The main topics were regarding the decision of the Supreme Court and how to use it to raise the poll numbers of New Democracy. The publication then goes on to write that they are trying to figure out how they can refuse to allow Golden Dawn to be on the ballot in upcoming elections.

Samaras is desperately knocking on all doors, many of them illegal, in order to distort electoral results, which he now knows full well are not the low-rates for Golden Dawn that his paid pollsters are forecasting.  The unveiling of this very conspiracy was a wrench in his plan, and national disappointment and distrust in the ruling regime has made him go back to the drawing board with his Jewish and EU handlers. The only thing we know for certain is no matter what he pulls out of the hat, nothing is going to stop Golden Dawn.

Whatever desperate and brash actions the ruling junta seeks to use against us next will further strengthen the Nationalist People’s Movement.  People will find a way to express their opinion in the polls, making their nightmares come true, with a Golden Dawn stronger than they ever imagined.