Greece: Golden Dawn the Most Popular Party Among 18-24 Year Olds

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 5, 2015


As the Alexis debacle continues to become more ridiculous by the second, the Golden Dawn continues to rise.


Tsipras has called an election on Sept. 20 in an effort to win a fresh mandate to push through the economic reforms that are a condition of Greece’s latest 86 billion euro bailout.

But Syriza’s lead over its rivals has crumbled, with one poll this week showing the conservative New Democracy party in front.

Support from those aged 18-44 – once the backbone of Syriza’s support according to pollsters – has plummeted. The most popular party for 18-24-year-olds now is the far right Golden Dawn, while Syriza languishes in fourth place, data by the pollster Alco show.

I can’t find the rest of that polling data, because I don’t read Greek. But in my experience on the ground, the Golden Dawn is also very popular with the senior citizen crowd. I would not be surprised if they are also the most popular part with the 60-very old age group. And popularity is rising among the scumbag generations (boomers and Xers) as well, of course.