Greece: Innocent Victims Use Rail Car as Battering Ram Against FYROM Fence

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2016


They’re just looking for a better life, attempting to escape the brutal civil war in Greece.

Die Welt:

The Greek police have used tear gas and stun grenades to prevent a group of about 300 rampaging migrants away from the Macedonian border fence near the wild camp of Idomeni [which they were attempting] to break.

As Greek media reported on Thursday, the rioters had a railway wagon, pushed through the last barrier of the Greek police to subsequently use it as a battering ram to break down the fence on the Macedonian side. Furthermore, the migrants are said to have thrown stones. In the clashes four demonstrators and two policemen were injured.

The situation had calmed down on Thursday morning. Many rioters, but also uninvolved migrants, including children, however, suffered from respiratory ailments because of the acrid air which produced the clouds of tear gas.

These poor dears!

How dare these racist cops!

In the wilderness of Idomeni almost 10,000 people have waited for months. They hope that the so-called Balkan route will open so that they can get to Central Europe.

According to reports from the previous day, the refugee camp has structures of organized crime, a growing problem. As Greek media reported on Wednesday, a railroad car was converted into a brothel.

From North Africa originate dealers selling drugs.

What are they supposed to do besides run hookers and drugs when they’re trapped in a civil war???

Why do Europeans want these people to suffer???

As soon as they get to safety in Central Europe, they will obviously quit it with the whores and drugs. All they want is a better life.