Greece: Invaders Use Battering Ram to Take Down FYROM Border Fence

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
March 1, 2016

This Monday, several immigrant invaders have used a make-shift battering ram to smash down a section of the Greek-Macedonia border fence.

They used a metal sign post to bash through the fence, and ripped the barbed wire off.

At this point, police had to respond by firing tear gas. It is not yet known if any made it through.

The immigrant invaders were heard shouting “Open the borders” and “Allahu Akbar.

Despite this, certain media corporations still insist on calling them “refugees“. It is no longer accurate to even call them “illegal immigrants”. They are now invaders.

After the Cologne attacks, the “innocent refugees fleeing a war” narrative has fallen apart. Everyone now sees that they are here to take what they can get.

What they are doing is bad. But we must look at the greater evil here . . .

The fact is, these immigrant invaders were invited by Europe’s EU elite. They wanted to “diversify” Europe and make it a “multicultural” society free from White majority nations.

This agenda of theirs is White genocide, plain and simple. To understand what’s happening, you must first ask “what do the powers that be want?”.