Daily Stormer
July 16, 2015
Responding to the evil traitor Alexis’ bowing down to the Jews who rule Europe, Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris tore up the documents on the floor of Parliament.
He is an absolutely incredible orator.
Here is the full text of his speech, translated:
For many months now, since Tsipras became a usual goer to all the international forums of the international loan sharks, and the foreign plutocracy, from Texas to the London School of Economics, Golden Dawn had said that this human had took the job of destroying Greece, and today we are absolutely justified.
Because in just a week they (SYRIZA) come here to pass two seperate anti-national legislations. The third, unwanted, antihellenic bailout, and the illegal immigrant legislation which legalizes the illegal immigrants, and will turn Greeks to a minority in their own country.
The antihellenist Schultz, this shameful trash of the Europarliament, also verified to us. He said that Tsipras is the only one who can make the third bailout happen. He is the man for the special operations of international usury, he is the man that will destroy Greece, through the unwanted bailout, through its economic destruction, and through illegal immigration which will make us the minority in Greece.
You lied before the elections, you lied for 6 whole months, you sold us a big fairy tale, a theater act, with the supposed negotiations, which were a few small trips… A few small trips in which you vacated in Brussels and Strasburg, and had fun being photographed for Marie Claire, and other lifestyle magazines, you promoted yourselves, and you come here today to say that you absolutely accept the sellout of Greece.
Having already destroyed the market, thousands of our co-citizens have lost their jobs in just a few months, and most importantly, after a resounding NO, a NO that expresses the vast majority of Greeks, a NO that constitutes illegal any decision of the parliament for the acceptance of the memoranda dictatorship, the international loan sharks.
Minister Tsakalotos talked a while ago for the ‘rich’. “We will hit the rich” he said, who are the rich? Isn’t he himself rich? Having more than 800,000 euros deposited in offshore banks? Minister Stathakis? With more than 800,000 euros deposited? Papadimoulis? With more than 1,300,000 in deposits and 28 houses in total all over the world? Who are the ‘rich’ you are going to hit, When you don’t even dare to touch the benefits of the parliamentarians?
We gave a battle, during the second bailout when we revealed to the public about the benefits parliamentarians received, and New Democracy was lying. And you today crush the farmers with these new measures, you crush the freelancers, and you don’t even dare to touch the wages, and benefits of the parliamentarians.
You gave us a paper not even worthy for us to spit on it, a shameful paper written in English, which refers to a fund of 50 billion euros, that will be bidding the public assets. Where do these 50 billion euros come from? What are you going to sell, SYRIZA’s offices that are on Koumoundourou street?
The fifty billions are our oil, the natural gas, the natural wealth of Greece that Germans want to take from us. But they won’t take ANYTHING from Greece, and these shameful, odious memoranda that the Greek people refused, will send you and your policy to the trash bin of Greek history.
The parliamentarians of SYRIZA are right to be afraid that Golden Dawn will become a giant through all this, through all this 180 degree turn, through your bailout policy, we will grow like a giant, because now only Golden Dawn expresses the honorable NO of the Greeks, the National Resistance of Greeks, the National Sovereignty of the Greeks, the Greece that belongs to the Greeks.