Daily Stormer
February 17, 2015

Syriza is putting on a show. They are going to fold, and pretty much everyone knows it.
Talks between Greece and European finance ministers have collapsed early after Greece rejected the EU’s bailout offer as ‘absurd’ and ‘unacceptable’.
They were meeting in Brussels to try and reach a new deal on Greece’s bailout, which it wants restructured.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union (EU) say there should be no change to the conditions of the €240bn (£178bn) loan.
The Eurogroup head said there was still time for Greece to agree an extension.
“There is time and ample room to agree on the terms of an extension. When I listen to my Greek colleagues talking about a bridging loan and so on – that’s a different word for an extension,” said Jeroen Dijsselbloem.
He said says another meeting was possible this Friday but that it was “up to the Greeks”.
“My strong preference is and still is to get an extension of the programme, and I think it is still feasible,” he told a press conference.
Greece’s current bailout expires on 28 February. Any new agreement would need to be approved by national governments so time is running out to reach a compromise, without which Greece is likely to run out of money.
Hail Golden Dawn, the coming rulers of the birthplace of White civilization.