Greece: The People Rejoice as Journalists Targeted By Righteous Bomber

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2018

It was only a matter of time until journalists found themselves on the receiving end of the people’s wrath.


A powerful bomb exploded outside private Greek television station Skai early Monday, causing extensive damage but no injuries.

Police said the blast occurred at 2:35 a.m. outside the broadcaster’s headquarters in a coastal area near Athens after telephoned warnings to a news website and another TV station prompted authorities to evacuate the building.

Coastal area, eh? That’s the oldest euphemism for libshit central in the book.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Armed far-left and anarchist organizations have attacked news media outlets in the past.

“This was a strike against democracy. Thankfully, there was only material damage — it’s a relief that no one was hurt — following the swift action taken by the police,” Public Order Minister Olga Gerovasili said.

Democracy, by definition, has become rule by journalists and Jews. No wonder it’s so out of fashion. But watch the sleight-of-hand that they try to pull here. one moment they blame the far-left and then with only the smallest of pauses, they blame the far-right.

“We will reinforce our democracy. This incident should give pause to those who leave a path open to terrorism and fascism.


She said anti-terrorism police are leading the investigation. Dozens of police investigators wearing white coveralls collected evidence from the scene, much of which remained cordoned off.

The blast shattered windows and damaged the front of the building, and tore through front offices. Nearby apartment buildings and cars were also damaged.

The explosive device was attached to a metal crash barrier on a busy coastal road in the Faliro area south of Athens.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras condemned the bombing as “an attack of cowardly and dark forces against democracy itself.” 

Again, the whole “attack on Democracy by the forces of Lord Vold- I mean evil” rhetoric.

And using our handy-dandy definition of Democracy=Rule by Jews+Journalists, we can read Tsipras’ statement as: “an attack on Jews and their Journifa tools.”

Although, I’m not totally ruling out a false flag here…

But there are, however, several details that make me think that this was genuine, like the fact that the bombers called ahead to warn the studio so no people would die.

“Why would someone do that?” – you might ask.

Well, there are several reasons. Nowadays, most Whites are squeamish at the thought of political violence  and this is so, so important to understand. If you wanted to send a message, but not damage your image with blood-soaked corpses being dragged out of bombed out buildings, you would set off bombs that killed no one, but that intimidated your political opponents – in this case, the Journifa.

The organization that most effectively used these tactics was the IRA, who understood that the more people they killed, the less support they got from squeamish Irish citizens and American-Irish supporters from abroad who did, in fact, want independence and all that good stuff, but weren’t willing to see blood spilt over it. 

In fact, funny enough, the IRA was probably the first urban guerrilla organization in the modern Western world that walked that difficult tightrope between inspiring fear in their enemies and not scaring off their squeamish SWPL countrymen from the cause.

If someone wanted to set off a false flag and then blame their political opponents, they’d throw some logs onto the fire – if you know what I mean. The images of crying relatives and the talk of “defenders of democracy!” would fill the radio-waves and the normies would buckle to the moral pressure – as per the plan.

Setting off a bomb and not killing anyone though… that’s clever. 

It puts pressure on the Journifa without giving them moral pity points. And that’s why I’m leaning towards this not being a Soy State false flag attack, but a sign of good things to come!