May 2, 2014

“Unlike the slacker politicos, TV and football figures running for the kleptocratic parties, the finest Greeks of our day are participating in Golden Dawn’s national struggle.” – Official Statement from Golden Dawn concerning their 42 member candidate list.
The establishment Greek parties have taken major legislative action to derail Golden Dawn. This includes denying the party the share of public funding it was entitled too. This also includes leveling fake criminal charges against many of it’s members and leaders.
Now, Golden Dawn’s has announced it’s list of 42 candidates for the May 22-25th EU elections. The list has hit the establishment like a bomb! Two of the candidates are retired Lt. Generals.

Georgios Epitideios is a retired Lt. General who has served as member of senior staff at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), the central command of NATO military forces. He has also served on NATO’s International Military Staff (IMS), and as director of the department of crisis response and current operations of the European Union Military Staff (EUMS).
Eleftherios Synadinos is a retired Lt. General and once commanded the Greek Special Forces.
The Greek General Epitideios has made the following declaration:
This election will largely determine whether and how our country will continue to exist in the future as a free and sovereign state and whether Europe will continue to maintain its historical and cultural identity or will evolve into something different from what it is today.
The decisions taken at the European Parliament regard the fate of the nations of Europe and have a direct impact on our daily lives. It is therefore necessary that the voice of the Greek nationalists is represented in it to offer dynamic and decisive support for our national interests.
Our country is facing the greatest risk to its existence since it became an independent state. The elements that make up the concept of nation and state are being attacked by enemies, using all available means.
Sovereignty has been surrendered; religion, history, education, health, economy, justice, national defence and security, and our cultural heritage are being destroyed; the constitution and individual liberties are being flagrantly violated, the leader, MPs and officers of a legally elected political party have been arrested and are being detained illegally; the population is being impoverished financially; much of our youth has emigrated; and thousands of desperate compatriots have been driven to suicide.