Greedy Old Wench Theresa to Retire in Complete Disgrace

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 24, 2019

We knew this was coming as soon as she dropped the “maybe we should do a second Brexit referendum???” bomb.


Theresa May has said she will quit as Conservative leader on 7 June, paving the way for a contest to decide a new prime minister.

In an emotional statement, she said she had done her best to deliver Brexit and it was a matter of “deep regret” that she had been unable to do so.

Being prime minister had been the “honour of my life”, she said.

Mrs May said she would continue to serve as PM while a Conservative leadership contest takes place.

It means she will still be prime minister when US President Donald Trump makes his state visit to the UK at the start of June.

Mrs May announced she would step down as Tory leader on 7 June and had agreed with the chairman of Tory backbenchers that a leadership contest should begin the following week.

What a stupid old bitch.


Is this what you wanted, Theresa?

This is what you chose to forego having children to do, right?

You are now officially somewhere between Nicolas Maduro and Emmanuel Macron in popularity level. Having done nothing at all but fuck around and make people angry, you are destined to go down as one of the worst Prime Ministers in British history.

And what exactly do you have to show for having made this sacrifice?

You are a used up old whore.

Your name will be cursed for generations.

This situation should serve as a warning to all women. Not just women who want to be politicians, but women who want any sort of profession.

Ladies: you are not good at this.

You have absolutely nothing to gain from this.

If you want to live happy, meaningful lives, you need to marry a man in his thirties with a stable job when you’re 18, have a lot of children, stay at home. When you’re Theresa’s age, you’ll have strong adult sons, grandchildren, you can stay home and bake cookies surrounded by a massive group of people that love you.

This is the easiest decision that I could ever imagine a person having to make.

But instead they choose this:

And this:

And end up with this:

The fact that women have proven themselves incapable of making what is quite obviously the easiest choice any human being has ever had to make, on a consistent basis, proves that they should not be allowed to make any single decision about anything, ever.
