Greek Deputy Defense Minister Wants Europeans to “Do More” to Help African Invaders

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2015

"Don't worry! Once we bring you to safety we'll ensure that you obtain free housing, free healthcare, free social security, free education, etc."
“Don’t worry! Once we bring you to safety we’ll ensure that you obtain free housing, free healthcare, free social security, free education, etc.”

In light of the recent shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, Kostas Isichos, the Deputy Defense Minister of Greece, expressed his insistence that Europeans ought to do more to rescue and accept invading Africans.


He said that Greece, Italy and Spain were working on a common position ahead of an emergency EU summit on Thursday.

Meanwhile, more than 500 rescued people were brought ashore by Italian coastguards on Wednesday morning.

The number of people attempting to flee war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa, particularly Eritreans and Syrians, has spiked in recent months, leading to huge numbers of people drowning in unseaworthy vessels.

Isichos is one of seemingly several European political figures to express the notion that Europe ought to do more for these African hordes. I say we ship ’em back. We shouldn’t have to bear the economic, social, cultural, and racial burden of accommodating them.