Greek Doctor Charged with Speech Crime for “Jews Not Welcome” Sign

Daily Stormer
March 5, 2014

Illustration from children’s book 1936: ‘Jews are not wanted here’

A brave Greek Patriot risked the wrath of the Jews this week by warning them that they would not be welcome at his surgery.

Why they would rather not know if a doctor did not wish to treat them, is a mystery.

Wouldn’t you want to know if a Doctor did not wish to help you, so you could find another?

If Jewish Doctors were honest, they would have ‘Gentiles not welcome’ on their doors as Jews are forbidden from helping Gentiles by the Talmud:

Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: ‘Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed’

Golden Dawn clash with Jew-inspired Communists in Thessaloniki.

From Forward:

A Greek doctor who posted a “Jews Not Welcome” sign outside his office was arrested for inciting racial hatred.

The doctor, a 57-year-old neurologist from Thessaloniki, also was charged with weapons possession and pro-Nazi beliefs, according to the Greek Reporter.

The sign was written in German. The doctor, who has not been named, is a member of the Greek ultranationalist Golden Dawn party and an avowed Nazi supporter, according to reports. The party is known for its Nazi swastika-like flag and Holocaust-denying leadership.

Police found three daggers, 12 knives and pills without prescriptions at the doctor’s home. Two of the daggers were engraved with Nazi symbols.

The Jewish community of Thessaloniki was an important center of Sephardic Jewry for 450 years following the expulsion from Spain. It had a pre-World War II Jewish population of 55,000; now about 1,000 Jews live there.