Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 28, 2015
Harvard Professor Greg M. Epstein, a White European, has written an article for Salon explaining how a fully-functional Black man, Ta-Nehisi Coates, led him to a true understanding of just how privileged he is as a White Male of European descent.
“Glowing” would fail to fully describe the intense luminosity of this White man’s review of Coates’ book “Between the World and Me,”
In the article, he speaks as one of us – a pure White European – who has realized just how badly he has abused the colored folks, and calls on others of his kind – other White Europeans – to re-examine their own endless racism and abuses of colored people.
He is just like you, White man. One of your own. Ready to explain to you things that you are too stupid to understand yourself.
If you, like me, are a race-conscious progressive who had never really given serious consideration to the thought that maybe, morally speaking, we actually do still owe reparations to African-Americans: welcome to The Dream. If you, like me, applauded with all your might at the election of our first black president, but had never truly stopped to re-evaluate your life in light of the fact that slavery was the single biggest industry in early American history and thus the “down payment” allowing us all to enjoy lives of relative, super-powerful comfort, welcome to The Dream. Or if you, like me, have walked through predominantly black neighborhoods feeling occasional pangs of fear for your safety, while also wishing fervently that residents of that neighborhood could achieve justice, but if you never fully contemplated the “moral disaster” that because of redlining, profiling and various other unjust policies, laws and scams, each black resident of that neighborhood had to endure fears at least as profound, every waking and sleeping moment, and what an unjust physical impact that might have on them and their families to this day and beyond — and therefore what an injustice we all suffer, because we are all one human family, right? …
This Dream was made for you and me.
He is just like you. Exactly the same. And he was able to overcome his fear and hatred of the Black race, learn that he is guilty for slavery, learn that he is guilty for being nervous in Black neighborhoods, learn that he must pay money to Blacks to make up for the sins of his ancestors.

So, can you, like him, make the journey? Can you join this White man in feeling guilty and giving infinity money to Blacks, in the name of justice?
Note to those with a neurobiological incapacity to detect certain forms of humor:
Epstein is Jewish, but is identifying as White for the purpose of manipulating White people, so I am using “sarcasm” to mock his dishonest presentation.
In the future, I will not be noting every time I use sarcasm, and if you didn’t know this was sarcasm before reading this note, you should probably not ever read this website again. This website is intended to be for a wide audience, and thus it is impossible for me to cater to a certain small percentage of of the neurobiology spectrum.