Grenfell Tower is the Brown Holocaust

Diversity Macht Frei
December 16, 2017

The strategy of aggressive victimhood has paid off for the Jews. (At least, so far). So now everyone wants a piece of the action.

Yesterday a 6-month anniversary service was held to commemorate the “tragedy” of the Grenfell Tower fire. Who ever heard of a 6-month anniversary for a disaster? No one. We’re reaching new frontiers of absurdity.

Grenfell Tower looks all set to become the Brown Holocaust. Almost all of the victims had brown skin thanks to their ancestors’ adaptation to high solar radiation environments. But the radiation from the fire still proved a bit too much for them.

As with the “Holocaust”, the number of victims appears to be on a strange path of exponential expansion.

Since the gubmint has agreed to provide houses to the “victims” in one of the country’s most expensive areas, this should come as no surprise.

There were only 120 flats in the original building. Many households, obviously, were completely wiped out in the fire. Yet the authorities, so far, have received demands for 208 new homes. The local council has even been instructed to purchase 300 new homes in total. How can this be?

In Britain, local housing tenants have a legal “right to buy” the homes they live in at a below-market price. So these third-world scamsters are making extravagant demands about the kind of houses they want. They are turning down million-pound homes because they don’t meet their exacting specifications.

And they are refusing to be re-housed in less expensive areas. As soon as they deign to accept a new house, you can be sure that they will be exercising their “right to buy”, purchasing it below-market, then selling it at market price immediately, reaping a handsome profit. The whole thing is a gigantic scam! And because of the Cult of Victimhood, not a single person in public life dares to call it out.

A brown immigrant claimed the fire started from his fridge. Many other reports say it began with an after-sunset Ramadan cook-up. Either way, this was a problem caused by brown people. How does it make any sense to Blame Whitey for this? It doesn’t. But, as the Jews have demonstrated, the facts don’t need to be on your side when you, or your friends, control the media. No other voices get to be heard.

Immediately after the fire, the most insane conspiracy theories started to circulate. Whitey did it because he wanted to rid the poor brown people from the district. Whitey was covering up the real body count. Whitey didn’t properly maintain the building.

It’s a good illustration of how diversity can never work. The emotion of empathy, and the emotion of trust, is fundamentally channelled by genetic similarity. When that racial bond isn’t there, you have a low trust environment where rumours and conspiracy theories will flourish like wildfire! In post-White Genocide Britain, with an 80% brown population, a purely random event like this could trigger a civil war.