Grimy Scumbucket Paul Ryan Encourages Congressmen to Attack TOP PUSSY-GRABBER

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2016

That paragon of morality, Paul Ryan, is launching a full-on assault against the world’s greatest pussy-grabber.

Because of morality.

This comes after Trump butchered Hillary Clinton like a pig in last night’s debate, and as his poll numbers continue to remain solidly in the “winning” margin.

Ryan says now he “won’t defend” Trump.

If what he’s been doing so far is “defending Trump,” then I’m glad to hear he’s going to stop doing it.

NY Daily News:

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said he won’t defend or campaign with Donald Trump and will focus on keeping the House majority in a conference call with House Republicans Monday morning, telling his members to do what they need vis-a-vis Trump to win reelection.

Ryan didn’t un-endorse Trump, but he essentially conceded the presidential race, saying his goal is “Making sure that Hillary Clinton does not get a blank check.”

Republicans are seriously worried about holding onto House control for the first time in years, fretting that Trump’s flailing campaign will drag down even members in normally safe districts. “You all need to do what’s best for you in your district,” Ryan said on the call, according to someone on the call.

Ryan’s open encouragement to his members to break with Trump if needed shows how dire the situation has become across the party. Dozens of top Republicans have officially dumped Trump since Friday, when video of him saying his fame lets him grab women “by the p—y” became public.

Here’s the thing.

Paul Ryan wasn’t overcome with emotion when he heard about Trump grabbing pussies.

Because look. This is one time when the SJW catchphrase “it’s current year” would actually apply. We do not live in a puritanical society. Our society has long been inundated with perversity by the same filthy kikes claiming puritanical moral high-ground in the wake of pussygate.

This was the way men talked in the 1950s in private. It is the way men have always talked in private. But in the 1950s, if a private conversation containing the phrase “grab them by the pussy” had been made public, it would have been somewhat reasonable for people to claim moral high-ground because such talk wasn’t featured on the media. But in today’s world this type of moral outrage is absolutely ridiculous by any measure.

paul ryan isis

This is the guy flooding us with ISIS because “it’s who we are.”

Paul Ryan has been waiting for a reason to dump Trump completely, because he knows that the jig is up if Trump wins. These people have all built their entire careers on shilling for Jews by talking about things that have no actual meaning, while ensuring our country is sold out from underneath us.

If it were not for the attacks on Trump by his own party, there would be no chance of losing. They keep coming out with this “we’re going to lose, so we have to distance ourselves from him.” They’ve done this for months now. But if Trump does lose, it will be their fault, and the people will know it.

The people will have a lot of questions.

And we will have answers to those questions.

jewish question