Grimy Whore Nimrata Randhawa Calls for WWIII to Protect Alleged Dignity of Ukrainian Field-Peasants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 27, 2018

I’m so sick of disingeneous bullshit pretense of caring about people that no one cares about as a way to promote aggression.

The idea that “Nikki Haley,” let alone the US as a nation, is concerned about the alleged honor of the Ukraine is nonsensical.

It’s just such a slimy thing to say “oh my human rights, we have to attack Russia to protect the Ukraine’s dignity as a sovereign nation.”

If Nimrata Randhawa wants to promote war with Russia, she should do it honestly. Or at least more honestly.

Slightly more honest would be: “The US should launch a preemptive war of aggression against Russia and destroy them as a display of global dominance.”

Total honesty would be: “The US needs to crush Russia because they are blocking the march of international Jewish globalism.”

It’s just this whining about “the poor unfortunates” and this “oh my word, the values of democracy are at stake” that is so disgusting and offensive.

ABC News:

One day after Russia fired on and seized three Ukrainian vessels in waters between the two countries, President Donald Trump weighed in to say the U.S. does “not like what’s happening.”

His tone differed from his top two diplomats, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who strongly criticized Russia for what they categorized as unlawful aggression amid fears of a dangerous escalation between the two countries after years of conflict.

Haley was the first U.S. official to speak out about Russia’s actions, blasting it as a “violation under international law,” “yet another reckless Russian escalation,” and “no way for a law-abiding civilized nation to act.”

Fact check: unless the Ukraine is able to produce evidence that they were given permission to enter those waters, this was definitely not a violation of anything on the part of Russia.

She did not mention Russian President Vladimir Putin by name, but she made clear before the U.N. Security Council that the U.S. would continue to support Ukraine against Russian aggression interference.

Pompeo also “condemn[ed] this aggressive Russian action” and demanded that Russia release the three vessels and their crews back to Ukraine. After speaking with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Monday, Pompeo also called on him and Putin to mediate a resolution directly.

While Pompeo issued a statement, he did not address the issue in person, ignoring questions from reporters on the tensions during a photo op at the department.

Well, at least a call for the two presidents to meet is less histrionic than Nimrata’s apoplectic outrage bit, but it would be nice if Trump’s own officials just completely stopped blaming Russia for fake news bullshit and supported the normalization of relations that President Trump has pushed for.

This situation where basically every single Trump official acts exactly like an Obama official is so frustrating.

The Ukraine is not a member of NATO and we have no other mutual defense treaty with this former Soviet territory that has only been a nation-state for 30 years (for the first time in its entire history, having been a territory of Russia for over 1000 years).

Most Americans could not point to the Ukraine on a map, they know nothing about its history, and it isn’t even a brown person country that we’re supposed to feel a white man’s burden for. The Jewish media can’t go into overdrive talking about what poor victims the Ukrainians are, because they’ve already dehumanized white people to the point where they can never claim that they’re victims.

Furthermore, they are the aggressor, and everyone who says otherwise is lying. This is a violent revolutionary government, founded as a result of a coup by neo-Nazi terrorists that were organized by the Israeli Defense Force.

Enough with the world police bullshit.

If Nimrata Randhawa wants to start a war with Russia, she should go lobby her own country’s government for that.

It would be great for India to invade and conquer Russia, as they could then analyze their plumbing and sewer systems to see if they could build one for themselves.

America on the other hand has nothing whatsoever to gain by going along with Randhawa’s insane WWIII agenda.