Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2014

In the world of the SJW, male privilege trumps Paki privilege, I guess, as the entire movement continues to eat itself alive while in the process of taking down all of western society.
Omar Mahmood is a student at the University of Michigan. He considers himself a political conservative and a Muslim. And until recently, he enjoyed writing for both of the campus’s newspapers: the institutional, liberal paper, The Michigan Daily, and the conservative alternative paper, The Michigan Review.
After penning a satirical op-ed for The Review that mocked political correctness and trigger warnings, The Daily ordered him to apologize to an anonymous staffer who was offended and felt “threatened” by him. He refused and was fired.
Last week, he became the victim of what The College Fix has described as a “hate crime.” The doorway of his apartment was vandalized in the middle of the night; the perpetrators pelted the door with eggs and scribbled notes like “shut the fuck up” and “everyone hates you you violent prick.” They left copies of the offending column and a print-out picture of Satan.
The column that caused such a controversy, “Do the Left Thing,” was published in The Review last month. It’s a first-person narrative in which Mahmood pretends to be a left-handed person who is offended by the institutional patriarchy of right-handedness.
The satire was unfunny, and one gets the distinct impression Omar is an affirmative action pet hire of the same feminists who attacked and Jewed him.
Fox has this bit:
Mahmood, who is Muslim and describes his political views as mostly conservative and libertarian, says the first big backlash came when another student complained anonymously about being offended and he was fired from the student newspaper, the Michigan Daily.
“These progressive students attacked Omar because they felt that he, as a Muslim, cannot also be a conservative,” Derek Draplin, a student and editor of the conservative student paper The Review, which published the parody, told “He doesn’t fit their social justice agenda so they attack him, censor him, try to get him to shut up.”
A Moslem cannot also be a “conservative” because they want free everything and unlimited immigration to bring all of their people in to take everything over. But are these feminists aware that Moslem women are forced by the religion to cover their hair at all times and are not allowed to speak in the presence of men they’re not directly related to unless it is for the purpose of buying something at a shop?
Doesn’t everyone know that about Islam?
One more reason the SJW movement is completely unsustainable.
Here is the video of his pad getting raided by these genital-obsessed weirdos:
Here is his door:

In a perfect world, we would have gotten to our own women and indoctrinated them with our views before the Jews did and they’d be putting “everyone hates you, you violent prick” on all Moslem doors, along with pigs heads.
Women will do whatever they are told to do by whoever is the best at telling them to do it, and feminism is the ultimate proof of this fact. And faggot-like men – just like Adam himself (so maybe you don’t have to be a complete faggot even, I doubt the first guy ever was a hipster faggot – though if he was that would explain a lot) will follow because they want to get laid.
What I am Trying to Say Here…
If someone had told women in a really convincing way that Moslems were a massive threat to society and had to be stopped, then the SJW movement could just as easily be a female-driven Moslem-lynching campaign. Because the men would all follow, while staring at her boobs, saying “oh yeah I also hate Moslims Jennifer I think they should be slaughtered yeah I’ve got some bacon I’ll go with you to smear the grease from it all over Achmed’s door, then maybe we can get a drink, I know this great spot with unlimited refillable margaritias for 15 bucks plus $1 tacos all night.”
So, ladies (yes, we do have a few female readers here), if I say this “women will do whatever they’re told,” know that the male equivalent is just as bad.
It took two to screw up the Garden of Eden.
Note to the Hater:
Find another right-wing site that attacks immigrants who are trying to defend our same values. Most of these sites will sell-out and be like “see, not all Moslems are scumbags, this one is trying to help gamergate” or some crap. The Daily Stormer is the only website on the internet which continually attacks its enemies even when its enemies are trying to support its views.
All are enemies and there shall be no alliance! It is us against everyone, and we will win or we will die!
