Gross Wetback Raul Labrador Wants to be the Next House Majority Leader

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

June 14, 2014

Good gojim does not liking chosen one to bringing vibrance diversity?  Maybe good gojim can liking brown man to doing it.
Good gojim does not liking chosen one to bringing vibrance diversity? Maybe good gojim can liking brown man to doing it.

Even with the disgusting and evil Jew Eric Cantor having lost his seat due to his obsession with flooding the United States with hordes of primitive non-White immigrants, it appears that there is no possible scenario wherein he will be replaced with someone who does not share his belief that the American people deserved to be overrun and destroyed by invading hordes.

One such person seeking the position of House Majority Leader is the weird-faced Puerto Rican party animal Raul Labrador, an Idaho Rep who bills himself as “Tea Party,” but is a member of the “Gang of Eight” led by Jew Schumer which is trying to legalize all invaders and bring the entire remaining population of Latin America into the United States.

I’m not sure he’ll be the pick, but he definitely fits the program.


In his website, Labrador stated why he wants to run for Majority Leader.

“Republicans need to address the growing challenges of immobility amongst the poor, insecurity in the middle class and stop protecting the special interests at the top. We must ensure every American has an equal opportunity to succeed, that they are treated fairly not only by the laws we pass in Congress, but by our political system,” he stated.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California and the current House majority whip, is considered to be the favorite to replace Cantor.

On Friday at Idaho’s Republican convention Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul offered his support for Labrador. “I think he would make a great leader,” he said.

Well, if Rand Paul supports him, he must be okay.  That Rand Paul libertarian guy is always on the ball, praying at the wall.

Good gojim can to trusting Rand Paul.  Rand Paul is best Paul.
Good gojim can to trusting Rand Paul. Rand Paul is best Paul.