Grotesque Fat Kike Jerrold Nadler to Hold House Hearing on White Nationalism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2019

These kikes are freaking the hell out.

They’ve got this bad, bad situation where the goyim are knowing at levels not seen since Uncle Adolf did that thing – and we’re legally protected.

They’ve basically shut off the internet almost completely, but still, goyim continue to know.

So they’re holding hearings like “BUT WHY IS IT LEGAL FOR GOYIM TO KNOW???”

Repulsive obese Kikeressman Jerrold Nadler is calling in the FBI to explain why they haven’t been able to stop goyim from knowing, and to demand they up their numbers of fake prosecutions for trumped up bullshit.

Daily Beast:

The House Judiciary Committee is planning on hosting a hearing in the coming weeks addressing the rise of white nationalism in the U.S. and the hate crime and hate speech surrounding the movement, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the committee’s schedule.

“For those who subscribe to this white nationalism ideology, they feel a sense of empowerment when they hear elected officials in the U.S., Europe, Australia, and New Zealand promote their white extremist ideological viewpoints in mainstream political rhetoric,” said John Cohen, the former deputy under secretary for intelligence and analysis at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). “Increasingly we have experienced a dramatic increase across the West in hateful rhetoric and targeted acts of violence by individuals who do so specifically in response to what they see as an attack on white society.”

Yeah, we “see it that way.”

It’s all in our minds.

Though plans are still being finalized, the committee expects to bring in officials from within DHS and the FBI for questioning on the rise of white nationalism in the U.S and the efforts the agencies are currently adopting to combat it. One lawmaker said the goal is to “have a hearing in early April.”

A spokesperson for the committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Though as far back as November, Nadler wrote letters to law enforcement agencies expressing concern about the rise of hate crimes and white supremacy.

So yeah, they are trying to bully the feds into doing more of what they did to RAM, which was just charge them with a completely fake crime and then throw them in jail.

Which is the same thing they did to James Fields, obviously, though that situation was a little different because something had actually happened.

The feds will entrap you on anything they can entrap you on if they find out your political beliefs. Most of you aren’t public, of course, so you shouldn’t have anything to worry about here. They’re not just going to start mass hacking computers or anything. At least not yet.

But if you’re a known figure, be squeaky clean with everything. Seriously. The Jews are going absolutely insane, which is why all of this crazy shit is happening all the time. They don’t really know how to deal with this new reality they’re in where at least 25% of the country is now totally aware of their sick, evil behavior. And the only tool in their Jew shed is shutting people down.

They literally have no other way to defend themselves. They sure as hell can’t respond to people’s complaints about them. Not with anything other than name-calling.

And they can’t even explain why “anti-Semitism” exists.

And it’s the reverse for us.

The only tool in our goy shed is to tell people about them.

That is really the entire battle. A psychological battle.

Because once people understand what these Jews are, and understand their sick agenda, people are just going to be like “okay, you people have to leave, you’re weird and you’re causing all of these problems.”

And then they just leave.

They’re not going to fight you.

They’re smarmy little cockroaches who cannot fight anyone.

They can’t even fight their own wars and have to manipulate the golem of the US military to fight them for them.

They’re using the FBI for the same purpose against their enemies in the US.

You should study the Jewish concept of the golem.