Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 23, 2015

The sickening Jews from The Guardian have written a glowing review of Lorde Inc, a modeling agency which only employs non-White models.
Looking at the models on Lorde Inc’s website, the first thing that strikes you is that these people are, to put it in Zoolander’s words, really, really good looking.
Are they?
You say this as if it is objective, even while we are constantly told that it isn’t, even while it has been scientifically proven using math that beauty is objective and the objective traits of beauty are almost exclusively found in White women.
Ornello has long plaits and a gap between her teeth. Mohammed is all chocolate eyes and wavy locks. And Urjii is cheekbones and expressive stare.
Wait, what?
The second thing? None of the models – about 60 in all – are white.
Imagine if that sentence read “The second thing? None of the models – about 60 in all – are non-white.”
The company would be illegal. Not only in the Soviet Kingdom, but in America as well, where we have “civil rights” laws which make it illegal to hire based on race.
So this is a massive privilege these people hold, is it not?
How long can we continue pretending these people don’t have all these special privileges, while constantly admitting that they do?
Lorde was set up in May 2014 as the first of its kind – an agency made up entirely of models of colour. It is the brainchild of Nafisa Kaptownwala, a 26-year-old Canadian art history graduate, who began to work on the fringes of fashion and noticed the lack of non-white models.
There is a lack of them because they are not attractive. If anything supersedes vague concept of race-hate, it is sex drive. People simply prefer to look at White people.
Despite no experience in the modelling industry, she set up Lorde in London with a friend and “the next thing, people were contacting us”. A year on, and Lorde has worked with magazines including Dazed & Confused and i-D, and collaborated with London streetwear brand Cassette Playa.
Despite these relative triumphs, Kaptownwala is pessimistic about diversity in modelling in 2015. “There’s still not a massive demand because this is still a radical idea and people in fashion are not really ready for it,” she says. “How does that make me feel? In general I think, as a person of colour, you internalise. Creating this agency is a way to channel those feelings.”
It isn’t because “they aren’t ready for it.” It is because no one wants it. The fashion industry is extremely competitive, so you can’t just run around forcing images of ugly Black people on brands – their crap will not sell.
No one wants to see this Lorde Inc model:

The people want Gisele.

The Guardian has become a joke paper. I can’t believe the crap they are printing these days. I don’t know if this is more a reflection on the unhinged state of Jews, society itself, or both equally, but you read this stuff and you can’t tell if they’re joking.
Here are some more of the people they described as “really, really good-looking,” but claim can’t get put up in the window of Top Shop because of a racist conspiracy in the fashion industry.
And once again, just for comparison, here’s Gisele:
Who’s kidding who here?
How can The Guardian honestly be promoting something so absolutely ridiculous?
Look, I’m not even trying to be mean like “look at these ugly monkey people!” I honestly feel bad that these people deal with these inferiority complexes. It must be hard, knowing that you were born as a lesser being than those around you.
But you know how that could be avoided? They could stay in their own countries. Then they wouldn’t have the astronomical standard of White beauty to try (and fail) to compete with, and they wouldn’t have this complex.