Guards on Strike After Muslims Take Over French Prisons

Islam Versus Europe
January 17, 2014

Like blacks, Muslims for some reason love being in prison.
Like blacks, Muslims for some reason love being in prison.

In previous posts, I’ve pointed out that around two-thirds of the French prison population is Muslim. It seems the Muslims are now taking over the prisons, attacking guards and dictating the rules.

The day after a psychologist was taken prisoner by an inmate in the prison of Toul, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, which came to an end in the early hours of the night, around one hundred guards in the north-west region blocked, in the morning of Tuesday 14 January, access to the penitentiary centre of Rennes-Vezin, in the context of a national movement intended to demand better safety conditions in our prisons.

…The three trade unions are demanding a “national discussion on prison” and a reform of the penitentiary law of 2009 which, by relaxing the conditions of detention, has, according to them, “given power to the inmates in the prisons”. “We thought we could purchase social peace in our prisoners, but it has been a failure, as the proliferation of attacks on staff indicates,” declared Mr Baudin.

…”We can no longer manage the interior of the institutions, it’s the inmates who are leading the dance.” And the Taubira Law is only accentuating the phenomenon started by the penitentiary law of 2009, emphasises M. Baudin. The prison guards have a life expectancy of 62, the lowest of anyone in public service, and the highest divorce rate. We need to see where the problem really is.”

Source: Le Monde