Guatemala Gets $2 Million From US Taxpayers to Do Tranny Mutilation and Promote “Gay Anal”

The US goes everywhere on earth to promote gay anal and tranny mutilations.

This is because no traditional society that exists on earth is compatible with the normalization of homosexuality. You cannot maintain any form of religion or tradition alongside public gay sex. Therefore, if a country adopts gay anal as a core value, they become a blank slate, which the US can fill with its democracy gibberish.

The US wants everyone on earth to be a passive consumer, with no real beliefs in anything, and the fastest path to that goal is to compel people into supporting the global gay anal agenda.

Daily Caller:

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has partnered with Guatemalan activists to help organizations led by transexuals perform sex changes in the country.

Asociacion Lambda, a Guatemala-based activist organization, received a $2 million grant from USAID to both engage in LGBT activism and to help provide “gender-affirming care,” federal records show. Social media posts show that Asociacion Lambda actively refers people to medical resources, attempts to influence elections in Guatemala and meets with government officials to engage in advocacy.

“Gender-affirming care” is a term used by supporters of the practice to describe the use of sometimes irreversible hormone treatments that can lead to infertility, as well as irreversible surgeries like mastectomies, phalloplasties and vaginoplasties. Using USAID’s funds, Asociacion Lambda is specifically expected to “strengthen trans-led organizations to deliver gender-affirming health care, advocate for improved quality and access to services and provide economic empowerment opportunities,” according to grant records.

It’s all about the anus

The USAID-funded sex change program began in April and will span until 2027, per grant records.

The medical services Asociacion Lambda directs people to include services related to sexual and reproductive health, psychological counseling as well as birth control for adults and minors, according to social media posts. During Guatemala’s 2023 elections, the organization began posting infographics featuring a character named Mila who informed readers about LGBT issues.

Asociacion Lambda has also commemorated events like the trans day of visibility and promoted pride parades.

Pushing LGBT rights abroad has been a “foreign policy priority” under the Biden-Harris administration, a State Department spokesperson previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation. President Joe Biden directed the heads of federal departments and agencies in 2021 to develop plans to “to advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons.”

“Around the globe, including here at home, brave lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) activists are fighting for equal protection under the law, freedom from violence, and recognition of their fundamental human rights,” Biden’s memorandum reads. “The United States belongs at the forefront of this struggle — speaking out and standing strong for our most dearly held values.”

Asociacion Lambda met with U.S. Ambassador to Guatemala Tobin Bradley in March to discuss violence against LGBT people, according to a social media post. Some on the right have criticized the administration’s approach to pushing LGBT activism on more traditional foreign nations, warning that it could alienate countries America is attempting to make inroads with.

By pure coincidence, Tobin Bradley happens to be a faggot himself.

How many faggot ambassadors does America have? What is the total number? It seems every time I hear about an American ambassador, he’s a faggot.

Guatemala was a conservative Catholic country up through like, 2019. Now it’s an anal cesspit.

Life comes at you fast when you’re riding dirty with Creepy Uncle Sam.

Snake Baker contributed to this article.