Gullible White Woman Blames Herself for Black Juvenile Shooting Her

Daily Mail
December 17, 2014

Debbie Baigrie was shot in the face by Ian Manuel and required years of reconstructive surgery.

Model Debbie Baigrie was walking to her car in down town Tampa Bay when a 13-year-old Ian Manuel approached her.

The youngster and a friend demanded change for a $20 bill, but seconds later the boy drew his gun and shot her in the mouth.

Baigrie, who was 28 at the time and had just had her second child, required years of facial reconstructive surgery while Manuel was charged with attempted murder and sentenced to three consecutive life sentences in an adult prison.

But more than 25 years after the attack the pair have struck up an unlikely friendship, and now she is campaigning for his release.

She feels sympathy for the shooter, because he was so young at the time, and is troubled by the racial discrimination in the case.

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The beast that shot her was was sentenced to 65 years in jail.

‘If he was a cute white boy at 13, with little dimples and blue eyes, there’s no way this would have happened,’ she told the New York Times.

‘When you’re 13, you do stupid stuff,’ she adds before saying ‘Walk a mile in his shoes.’

Their correspondence began the second Christmas of Manuel’s sentence when he decided to call her. She asked him bluntly why he killed her, he said it was a ‘mistake’.

He then sent her a card with a picture of a hand reaching through prison bars to offer a red rose.

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Now she writes to him and blames her own ‘racism’ for his actions.

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