Daily Stormer
November 5, 2013
From the YouTube description:
Most U.S. Federal gun control legislation has been written, introduced, and sponsored by Jewish Congressmen and Jewish Senators.
Apparently it’s okay for Jews to possess guns, just not Goyim cattle. Oh yes, the greatest gun grabbers in US History are and have always been quite Jewish. “Gun control” in the United States is as Jewish as our liberal and self destructive immigration policies.
U.S. Federal Gun Control Legislation, 1968 — present
Emanuel Celler(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Representative from New York(1923 — 1973)
Howard M. Metzenbaum(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Senator from Ohio(1974, 1976 — 1995)
Carl M. Levin(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Senator from Michigan(1979 — present)
Thomas P. “Tom” Lantos(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Representative from California(1981 — 2008)
Arlen Specter(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Senator from Pennsylvania(1981 — present)
Charles E. “Chuck” Schumer(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Senator from New York(1999 — present), Democratic Represenative from New York(1981-1999)
Frank R. Lautenberg(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Senator from New Jersey(1982 — 2001, 2003 — present)
Barbara L. Boxer(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Senator from California(1993 — present), Democratic Representative from California(1983 — 1993)
Herbert H. “Herb” Kohl(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Senator from Wisconsin(1989 — present)
Dianne G. Feinstein(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Senator from California(1992 — present)
Jerrold L. Nadler(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Representative from New York(1992 — present)
Steven R. “Steve” Rothman(Ashkenazi Jew), Democratic Representative from New Jersey(1997 — present)