H.R. McMaster is a Straight-Up Neocon Nutjob

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2017

So I watched the Chris Wallace interview with National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, and I gotta tell ya. This guy is full-on Neocon nutjob.

This is straight-up Dick Cheney-tier kookery this guy is spouting.

The interview is basically worthless. He doesn’t ever really give any actual information. But it’s worth watching some of just to see where this guy is coming from.

He’s full regime change, muh dead babies, Russia and Iran are guilty – the whole thing.

Chris Wallace tried to do to him what Tucker Carlson did to Lindsey Graham – to pin him down on what exactly it means to fight both sides in a war (ISIS and Assad). But Chris Wallace isn’t nearly as talented as Tucker Carlson and H.R. McMaster isn’t nearly as retarded as Lindsey Graham, so he was easily able to weasel his way out of it without looking completely stupid.

But whether you can weasel around or not, the question still stands unanswered: why would you enter a war and fight both sides of it, unless your goal was to simply make the war take longer?

If both sides are enemies – which I don’t at all accept, but let’s for the sake of argument assume that’s true – then what you would do is ally with Assad and Russia to defeat ISIS (if “atrocities” are your main issue, ISIS is doing way more of them), and then when ISIS is defeated, negotiate a removal and replacement of Assad by another figure in the existing government.

It’s not complicated.

You don’t just go bombing both sides – that is obviously insane. Only a neocon kook obsessed with chaos and death could make such an argument with a straight face.

But this guy has one of the straightest faces I’ve ever seen.

Even Jew Wallace was like “wow bro.”

He also tried to press him on the most obvious of questions, which is: what is the difference between blowing someone up and gassing them?

Because again, for the sake of argument, say Assad did GAS THE BEBES – children are dying in bombing strikes all the time. So do we attack Assad every time there is any collateral damage as he bombs terrorists?

McMaster danced around that obvious question which obviously has no obvious answer.

Imagine, just 8 weeks ago, General Flynn was serving in the role this kook is now serving in.

General Flynn had literally the exact opposite positions as McMaster. Like, on down the line – every position opposite.

Though I don’t really even want to discuss the issue too much as I view it as irrelevant, but just for the record here, the appointment and subsequent ousting of Flynn is proof that Trump wasn’t in on it from the beginning.

There is no reason he would fake like he was going to setup an administration that was working for the interests of the American people and then cancel it.

This means that we’ve actually witnessed a deep state Jewish coup, that started with the unmasking and leaking of Flynn’s talk with the Russians and culminated in the attack on Syria.

Maybe it doesn’t matter. In real terms, it definitely doesn’t matter. But maybe on a personal level, it does matter.

Trump did not Jew us. Trump got Jewed right along with us.

We don’t know how it happened, but some dark power behind the throne moved against him, overtook him.

Everything the Trump movement stood for was real. Trump wanted to do what he said he wanted to do.

But they broke him.

Our Champion has fallen.

And now our war enters a new phase.

Don’t worry.

I drew up a contingency plan for just such an eventuality a long time ago.

Here’s a sketch from the playbook: