Ha! Greek Town Refuses Holocaust Memorial!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 16, 2015


The Greeks have proved themselves the most hardcore in Europe yet again by denying Jews the right to install a monument to their fake suffering in their town.

The Yids are, of course, flipping their lids.

Jerusalem Post:

The mayor of the northern Greek city of Kavala has been roundly criticized after he decided to stop the unveiling of a Holocaust memorial because it featured a Star of David.

1,484 Jews from the city were murdered by the Nazis.

[citation needed]

Mayor Dimitra Tsanaka’s decision was supported by the majority of the city’s municipal council, Greek news outlet Ekathimerini reported on Friday.

The Greek Education Ministry’s general secretary Giorgos Kalatzis said Friday that Kavala risked being the first Greek city to turn down a monument raised for its own citizens, Ekathimerini reported.

The Board of Jewish Communities in Greece (KISE) attacked the decision as “unacceptable, immoral and insulting,” according to Ekathimerini.

American Jewish groups also slammed the decision.

There are no words to express adequately our shock and dismay at this news,” said American Jewish Committee Executive Director David Harris on Friday.

It’s an ongoing problem for Jews. It is literally impossible for human language to communicate the depth and sheer intensity of their impudence.

“How can it be that the eternal symbol of the Jewish people – the very symbol that the Nazis required Jews to wear in the death camps and ghettos of Europe during the Second World War – is deemed unfit for public display in Kavala? What gall for the Jewish community to be asked to remove the Star of David as a condition for allowing the monument to be displayed,” Harris said.

The Anti Defamation League similarly slammed the move to cancel the Holocaust memorial in a statement it released on Friday.

“To object to a Star of David on the monument is morally reprehensible,” said ADL Director Abraham H. Foxman.

This endless Jew outrage has to be wearing thin with a lot of people.

I mean, seriously. Every single day these people are finding some new thing to whine about.

The ADL knows Greeks don’t like Jews, their own study ranked the nation the most anti-Semitic in Europe. Of course they don’t want a gigantic Star of David in their town.

Deal with it, kikes.

There endless whining and emotional outbursts goes to show the truth of Weininger’s definition of the Jew as a fundamentally feminine creature. They whine about things that no White man – or any man of any other race, for that matter – would ever even consider whining about. Things that would embarrass us to even mention, they whine about.

They are a snivelling and disgusting people.