Daily Stormer
April 15, 2015

Without multiculturalism, the US military will not survive.
The Army’s 2016 class of commanders for 31 of its top combat units has one black officer, a trend that the service is seeking to reverse with limited success.
The 2016 list of commanders for Army infantry, artillery and armor combat brigades and battalions shows black officers continue to struggle to gain a foothold in the units that serve as the primary training ground for senior leaders.
Six black officers out of 82 will lead battalions, which are 800- to 1000-soldier components of brigades, according to the list, which was obtained by USA TODAY. But only one of the 31 combat brigades getting new commanders, the list shows, will have an African-American colonel in charge.
A Defense Department official reviewed the list and provided the racial breakdown on condition of anonymity, because officials were not authorized to comment publicly.
Taking charge of a combat battalion, and then a brigade, are virtual requirements to reach the pinnacle of the service. The Army’s top leaders have pedigrees in what are referred to as combat arms: Gen. Raymond Odierno, the Army’s chief of staff, commanded artillery units; his predecessor, Gen. Martin Dempsey, led armored units, and is now the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
There are exceptions. Gen. Lloyd Austin, an African-American infantry officer, leads Central Command, overseeing operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The Army recognizes the need for more officers like Austin and last year launched an initiative aimed to bolster the number of minority officers in key command spots.
Did you catch that goyim?
Reading comprehension test:
Why do we need more Black officers in the military???
Because there aren’t enough!
Get it, stupid goyim???