Haaretz Wants Me to Know That Kike Billionaire Adelson is Undermining Free Press in America!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2017

Okay so we all know about “hey subscribe and follow us on Facebook!” pop-ups.

But today was the first time I’ve seen a “hey maybe you want to read a different article instead” pop-up upon clicking on a URL from Google News.

I clicked through to the Israeli news site Haaretz to read “‘Mama, I Fell in Love With a Jew’: Behind Palestinian Rap Group’s Newest Song,” and this popped up:

And here’s the thing – if you click “Read,” it doesn’t open in a new tab – it just redirects you to the new article, which in this case was an article about how Jew billionaire Sheldon Adelson is undermining press freedom in America.

The concept in itself is bizarre, and that particular suggestion – which to be fair was almost certainly determined by a Jew algorithm rather than a human Jew (though I’m not sure what algorithm as I don’t have cookies permissions enabled for Haaretz and it certainly isn’t directly related) – is especially bizarre.

Have you ever clicked on a site and gotten a pop-up saying “maybe you actually would rather read a different article on our site instead of the URL you visited?