Hacked Emails Show Clinton Campaign Ran Huge Spying Operation Against Journalists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2016


Yall muffugguhs aint eben no. We be all out like Robocop 2 upindisbitch.

What kind of a crazy bitch spies on journalists?

Well friends, I’ll tell you what kind.

The kind who is scared to death of being asked a question publicly.

This is really, really funny.

Daily Mail:

The hacked Gmail account of one of Hillary Clinton’s volunteers shows how the campaign surveils journalists who might get too close to the candidate.

Emails phished by Guccifer 2.0, who’s dumped caches of documents from the Democratic National Committee onto the internet, show Clinton aides telling volunteer Sarah Hamilton to ‘keep an eye’ on certain reporters.

Hamilton’s Gmail account was hacked using a spoofed Gmail log-in page, according to the Smoking Gun, which released a handful of email conversations today.

In one, an email chain from February, aides and advance staffers discussed how to keep Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton safe from he crowd of reporters on hand to cover the trio at a Las Vegas rally.

With all three Clintons expected to work the crowed after the speaking portion of the event had concluded one campaign operative suggested that the rope line be ‘covered with staff bodies to make sure the crowd can get to the ropeline and you stay in front of the cameras,’ according to documents given to the Smoking Gun.

National Press Advance Desk aide Sarah Pollack wrote that while ‘press have been politely yet firmly asked to stay in press areas … we should expect press and cameras to move forward for ropeline.’

Clinton hasn’t had an official press conference in 207 days and generally does not answer questions from the press that are hollered at her during these types of events.

At the Las Vegas event, Clinton’s people exchanged emails about the movement of journalists, zeroing especially in on CNN’s Dan Merica, a producer for the network that has been embedded with the campaign.

At one point in the conversation an aggressive French journalist was ‘at stage right,’ at another, Merica was at ‘center right.’

Eight minutes later, according to the emails, an advance team member noted, ‘Dan Merica stage left.’

A minute later, Hamilton told her colleagues that ‘French journos and dan merica heading to stage right.’

An advance team member then reported that ‘Dan America is on backstage bleachers,’ the aide said, misspelling the reporter’s name.

That staffer then wrote, ‘I’m with dan America on back stage bleachers,’ again messing up the CNN producer’s last name.

It’s like a military operation.

Or a football (American) play.


I wonder if they actually draw-up playbooks like this. I’d wager they do.

Here’s another record of an avoidance play based on serious spying methods.

In Chicago in mid-March in the run-up to the Illinois primary, Clinton had a full day of events and was followed around her hometown by a packed bus of political reporters.

Here it was Chicago Sun-Times columnist and D.C. bureau chief Lynn Sweet who was viewed as the threat.

Reporters, including Sweet, Merica and DailyMail.com, were allowed in especially close proximity to Clinton when she stopped by the Kids Off The Block Memorial to pay tribute to the more than 500 children lost to gun violence in the city of Chicago.

Clinton greeted a number of mothers whose kids died from gunfire.

When reporters got too close to the candidate they were shooed away.

In other instances during the day, reporters were only allowed in a venue for several minutes, or were kept in a roped off area in the back.

In an email to Hamilton with the subject line ‘Lynn Sweet,’ from Clinton’s traveling press secretary Nick Merrill he wrote, ‘Let’s keep an eye on her.’

Hamilton responded with, ‘Yes, I’m sitting next to her on the bus.’

Hillary Clinton has a large-scale spying operation designed to avoid being on camera denying to answer the questions of journalists.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump wastes time he should be using to do more important things to publicly argue with journalists.

This is an incredibly stark contrast.