Hag Hillary Forwarded Classified Information to Her Slut Daughter

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2016


This is just goofy.

It’s also an obviously very serious felony. But another one of those for Hillary doesn’t mean much, does it?

But it is to be expected of women in power. With women, you see, everything is some silly gossip-game. They are incapable of grasping the concept of “serious business.”

Which is why we not only need to avoid Iceberg Clinton, but also #RepealThe19th.

Daily Caller:

Hillary Clinton deleted a 2009 email in which she forwarded classified information to her daughter, Chelsea.

The email was released on Friday by the State Department. It is one of thousands of documents recovered by the FBI from Clinton’s private email server.

The Dec. 20, 2009 email chain, entitled “Update,” started with a message from Michael Froman, who served as a deputy assistant to President Obama and deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs.

The email, which is redacted because it contains information classified as “Confidential,” was sent to Jake Sullivan, Clinton’s foreign policy adivser at the State Department, and several Obama aides. Sullivan sent it to Hillary Clinton who then forwarded it to Chelsea, who emailed under the pseudonym “Diane Reynolds.”

The entire text of the classified email is redacted because it contains foreign government information.


The State Department labeled the email a “near dupilcate,” indicating that it was mostly similar to other emails that the agency has released from the trove of documents that Clinton turned over in Dec. 2014.

Clinton did not delete other responses she made to others on the email thread.

“Wow — you can’t make this up — sorry to have missed all of that! Let me know if you learn anything else,” she wrote to Sullivan. The State Department released that portion of the email conversation in February.


She isn’t even good at any of this criminality!

This is the power of Jews – their shabbos goyim can get away with absolutely anything.

But perhaps the most significant part of the email is that Clinton forwarded classified information to her daughter, who is and was a private citizen with no government role and no apparent security clearances.

It is unclear when or why Clinton deleted the email.

Must have been in the “yoga, recipes and Chelsea’s wedding” category.

It is so insane that the FBI let her go the first time.

I mean.

This is just outrageous.