Haji Goes to Hong Kong: Brown Person Pushes Random Subway Employee Onto the Tracks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 23, 2017

2017.10.21【#港鐵女工被推落路軌】涉案男子疑酒後犯案被捕Police have arrested a man for allegedly pushing a woman onto the light rail tracks in Yuen Long.Closed-circuit video posted online shows a female cleaner standing on the edge of the platform when a man comes up from behind and pushes her. The attacker then fled the scene. The woman was hurt and sent to hospital.A 56-year-old suspect was later found nearby. Police are investigating.一名港鐵清潔女工在元朗輕鐵總站被推落路軌受傷,#警方拘捕一名有香港身份證的巴基斯坦籍男子,指他涉嫌傷人,懷疑他受酒精影響犯案。從網上流傳的閉路電視片段看到,一名清潔女工星期六早上10時許,在元朗輕鐵站五號月台上工作,期間與對面另一名女工打招呼,之後一名戴鴨舌帽的男子走近女工,並突然伸手把她推落路軌,男子沒有停下並即時離去。月台當時沒有輕鐵列車經過,港鐵職員即時通知控制中心,防止輕鐵進入有關範圍,並且報警。警方事後翻查閉路電視紀錄,並進行搜捕,大約20分鐘後在附近的蔡屋村,拘捕一名56歲巴基斯坦籍的無業男子,指他涉嫌傷人,初步調查後懷疑他飲醉酒而犯案。涉事的清潔女工事後送往博愛醫院治理,她下巴有裂傷,縫了六針,左手手肘也有骨折,經治理後已經出院。港鐵十分關注這次事件,譴責造出危害他人行為的人,又提醒所有職員在月台工作時要小心。Source : Now新聞台#元朗 #輕鐵 #推落路軌 #請勿超越黃線

Posted by Ellis Kwong on Samstag, 21. Oktober 2017

I can’t tell where the man is from, but it’s clear he’s not Chinese (at least not Han, he could potentially be from a Western minority population).

There are a bunch of Moslems in HK, but they generally behave themselves out of fear.


A CCTV camera has captured a man calmly pushing a woman on rail tracks at a Hong Kong train station, then walking away in cold blood.

The incident, since widely shared on social media, took place at the Yuen Long station of Hong Kong’s Light Rail system.

The culprit is seen walking along the platform behind the victim, who is waving to someone on the other side of the tracks. The man then shoves her in the back, causing her to fall off the platform, and walk away without breaking stride.

Luckily for the victim, working as a cleaner at the station, no train was passing by at the time of the incident. Still, the footage shows her fall hard on her face from the height of the platform. According to a police spokesperson cited by South China Morning Post, she received injuries to her jaw and was taken to hospital.

Police arrested the man near the train station on suspicion of assault that resulted in bodily harm.

Maybe the age of Haji in Hong Kong needs to come to an end?

They have all of this money that they get from oil that they spent all over the world, and so they are tolerated in certain parts of Asia. But they are hated.

If this guy turns out to be a practicing Moslem or from a Moslem nation, there are going to be calls to cleanse the place.