Haji Knifeman Enriches Three People (Including One White Man) in German Town

The incompetence of these Moslems is amazing to behold.

Presumably, this haji’s intention was to kill whites – and he failed at it. He fumbled around, shifting from victim to victim, and ended up harming more fellow colorfuls than actual krauts.

That we Europeans are being successfully conquered by these inferior, mongrelized inbreds is a true testament to how soft and deracinated we’ve become.


A knifeman has injured at least three people on a rampage through a German town.

One of the victims has received ‘life-threatening’ injuries during the attack in Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, but the condition of the other two victims has not yet been revealed.

Footage posted from the scene shows the knifeman walking around the square waving a knife, although the police have said there is no evidence of terrorism.

One of them was a man eating with his family, schwaebische.de reports.

He has suffered cuts to his back and arm as he tried to hold the attacker back with a chair, and has been taken to hospital.

Video footage posted in the aftermath of the attack showed used medical equipment on the ground and puddles of blood around the bus stop.

The attack, which happened shortly after 4pm local time, took place in a number of spots around the town.

One of the victims was found around 50 meters away from the other two victims.

However, it is unclear whether he was attacked there or ran away after being attacked in the same place.

Reports said the attacker, whose identity is not yet known, ‘fumbled widly’ with his knife, and kept pointing to the clock and shouting, but his motive is still not known.

The suspect, who was allegedly carrying a kitchen knife, has been arrested.

The white victim.