Hajis Invade Church, Kill Priest and Take Hostages (Happening Over, btw)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 26, 2016


And now to Jean-Luc for today’s French weather report:

Tuesday is expected to be sunny, but with a chance of a slight drizzle – so you might want to have an umbrella handy. Hajis are expected to invade a church during mass, murder a priest and take nuns as hostages.

Back to you, Jean-Pierre.


A priest has been killed in an attack by two armed men at his church near Rouen in northern France, police and French media have said.

The armed men entered the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray during mass, taking the priest, two nuns and several churchgoers hostage, reports said.

French TV said shots had been heard after police arrived at the scene. Both hostage-takers are now dead.

The area has been cordoned off and police have told people to stay away.

At least one person is receiving medical treatment for injuries.

There was no immediate indication of the identity or motive of the hostage-takers, but France has been on high alert since the Bastille Day attack in Nice earlier this month, when an attacker ploughed a lorry into celebrating crowds, killing more than 80 people.

The BBC’s Lucy Williamson in Paris says the French government has been under huge pressure to prevent further attacks.

President Francois Hollande and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve are on their way to Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray to be briefed by police.

Before we jump to any conclusions, let’s consider the main reasons why these men would have invaded a church, killed a priest and taken nuns hostage.

  • Depression
  • Violent video games
  • Being a loner
  • Divorcing the wife
  • Anders Breivik
  • Secretly gay
  • Can’t fit into society because of racism

The last thing we need to go doing is blaming Islam, which is a religion of peace – “The Grateful Dead of Religions” it has been called – over actions by individual men who probably have nothing to do with that religion.