Half a Million Pussies March on Washington Demanding President Trump Grab Them

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2017

Here’s the thing about women you need to understand: they generally say they opposite of what they want, especially when it comes to issues relating to sex.

Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man.

Yesterday’s “Million Pussy March” against Trump was an especially transparent case of this phenomenon. They literally made the entire thing about their “pussies” (that’s a vulgar term for “vaginas” or perhaps “vaginae”), putting on “pink pussy hats” (the inside of a vagina is pink; this was all very vulgar, almost cartoonishly so).

Half a million women marched in Washington, and several hundred thousand more marched in cities across the country, demanding they be sexually assaulted by President Donald Trump.

Seriously, you don’t have to be a psychoanalyst to pick up on this. Every single one of these women is sexually fixated on Donald Trump.

And yes, this is weird. Of course it is weird as hell. Bizarre, in fact.

But this is what happens when you give women “freedoms.” They become outrageous – and dangerous.

To understand why all of these women want to have sex with a single man who is 70-years-old and slightly overweight, and wasn’t even explicitly handsome when he was young, one must understand the concept of hypergamy. Hypergamy is the definite sexual orientation of all women on the planet. The basic form of the term means “marrying up” – that is, seeking a man who comes from a higher socio-economic class – the best man available to her. However, taken to its ultimate conclusions – especially in the digital world, where everyone on the planet is theoretically connected to every other person on the planet – every woman on the planet is seeking the perfect male – the highest male of all.

Because this is simply logical. She only has one womb, and it takes an extremely long time to produce and raise a child. Why would she not want that child to be the best possible child?

Donald Trump is the ultimate alpha male. He is an aggressive, hostile conqueror who became ruler of the world through force of will. As such, he is the object of sexual fixation of all women on the planet.

Hence, hundreds of thousands of women across the globe marching with the demand to have sex with him.

The Lesson Here

The concept of hypergamy needs to be understood fully in order to understand why it is you cannot have a sexually liberated society. In such a society, where there is no obligation to marriage and monogamy, all women will seek sex with the highest-ranking males, and the other 90% of males will be left without sex partners, or at least without the prospect of a permanent partner.

Men are naturally polygamous, in that they want to have sex with as many women as possible – again, this is simply biology. A man could theoretically have sex and impregnate multiple women per day, so there is no logical reason for him to not spread his seed as far and wide as possible. So, in a system of free sex, that upper percentage of men will simply have sex with all of the women – at least all but the lowest-range of women.

This is not conducive to civilization. At all. It creates an army of sexually frustrated men incapable of landing a partner, as average women seek out one-night stands with above average men that they believe they can somehow swoon, manipulate or otherwise trick into being with them forever.

This is why we have to have forced monogamy in order to have a civilization – a concept that all people, throughout history, understood fully, but which we forgot when the Jews told us that “enlightenment” meant doing away with the institution of marriage.

Monogamous marriage is the foundation of civilization, period. And we need to focus on bringing that back by putting these dirty sluts in check.

Two big things can be done to fix this situation:

  1. Banning abortion and child support payment programs making it impossible for women to be sluts without consequences, and
  2. Ending affirmative action for women, making it impossible for women to support themselves (no, they can’t compete in the workplace without affirmative action)

The problem of sex and marriage is a huge problem, which seems almost too big, but these two adjustments to the social order can easily fix it – or go a long way towards improving the situation – by forcing women to face consequences for their bizarre, insane sexual practices.

Only by restricting the deranged sex practices of women can we save our civilization. And a vow to fix this problem is a sure way to get young men on board with a war against the Jews.

I hereby vow that any system that I help to install will ensure that you all get wives. As long as you aren’t a complete weirdo and do spend some time in the gym.