Hamas Keeps Saying They Want a Ceasefire, Bibi Says He’ll Never Do It – US Blames Hamas

Again we bear witness to just how fat and stupid Americans are.

It is truly beyond the pale.

As always, I exclude you, my dear reader and close parasocial friend, but the general populace is so braindead that it’s beyond comprehension to someone with what used to be considered “average intelligence.”

Bibi has been saying this entire time that he has no interest in a ceasefire. He said his objective was to destroy Hamas, and obviously – or, obviously to anyone who is not a Fatmerican piglet or a woman – you can’t do a ceasefire with an organization you are trying to destroy. A ceasefire – the meaning of the word – is that you stop shooting and bombing. In order to destroy, you have to shoot and bomb.

Every time Biden’s people come out and claim they’re working on a ceasefire, Bibi and other Israeli officials come out and say they won’t do a ceasefire. Then the US officials blame Hamas, even while Hamas has consistently said they will return the hostages and do a ceasefire as long as they have security guarantees.


The Palestinian Hamas group said on Wednesday that its negotiators reiterated its readiness to implement an “immediate” ceasefire with Israel in Gaza based on a previous U.S. proposal without new conditions from any party.

The Palestinian group said in a statement that their negotiation team, led by senior official Khalil al-Hayya, met mediators on Wednesday including Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani and Egypt’s intelligence chief Abbas Kamel in Doha to discuss the latest developments in Gaza.

Talks have so far failed to reach a deal to end the 11-month-old war. Lingering issue include control of the Philadelphi corridor, a narrow stretch of land on Gaza’s border with Egypt, persisting.


CNN, last week:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday was as clear as he has ever been that he does not believe a ceasefire and hostage deal is likely in Gaza in a sharp rebuke to the Biden administration’s insistence it’s close at hand.

“There’s not a deal in the making,” Netanyahu told Fox News. “Unfortunately, it’s not close.”

His comments stand in stark contrast to the relentlessly hopeful messaging from the Biden administration over the past months. On Sunday, President Joe Biden claimed that the parties were on the verge of a deal, and on Wednesday, a senior administration official claimed 90% of the agreement had been completed.

That, Netanyahu said, is “exactly inaccurate.”

Every single day, Biden and Blinken – and now that satanic cunt “Kamala” – are out there saying we’re just minutes away from a ceasefire and a two-state solution.

Here’s the thing: Bibi let October 7th happen on purpose because he wanted to start a cascading series of events that leads to a US war with Iran.

This is the process:

  • Find out through very easy intelligence that Hamas is planning to attack on October 7th.
  • Refuse to do anything to stop them. In fact, move troops away from the border, allowing the attack to do maximum damage.
  • Start a slaughter in Gaza so that Hezbollah attacks Israel.
  • Start a mass bombing campaign and invasion of southern Lebanon, which causes Iran to get involved.
  • Agitate and force Iran to do significant attacks on Israel and maybe even close the straits to Western oil ships.
  • Go running to the United States and claim you’re the victim of the evil Iranian Nazis who are trying to do a new Holocaust.
  • The US begins attacking Iranian ships and eventually ends up in a full-blown war, where their only option is to literally put boots on the ground in Iran.

This was obviously the plan and I said it immediately after October 7th and everything has tracked with this.

The one issue, maybe, is that Bibi’s plans have not gone… according to plan.

There is no way he actually believed Hamas could be “destroyed” without literally killing everyone in Gaza (another thing I said in October). But it also appears he had no idea how many soldiers he would lose in this process.

The military is totally burned out and doesn’t want to go into Lebanon, so now he’s unleashing the crazies in the West Bank to do mass-murder, and this week did the biggest terrorist bombing in Syria in recent memory. It’s possible he’s waiting for the US election to invade Lebanon, possibly confident he can get Trump installed so he will have extreme backing. He already has extreme backing from Biden, but Biden is also doing this ceasefire talk and publicly criticizing Bibi.

But nothing has changed.

Aside from his plan to destroy all of his enemies, he cannot stop the war because he’d immediately get indicted and there would be an investigation into “intelligence failures” on October 7th, and he may well end up in prison or exiled. He can’t back down. So unless he somehow gets removed from power (there’s no evident way that could happen), the US is going to war with Iran, regardless of who is president next year.

If you’re a fit male of conscription age in this country, you should definitely go ahead and get a passport. ASAP. That’s an extreme eventuality, but it is an eventuality. This could all get weird fast.