Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2015
I almost feel bad for these Negroes. The Jews have told them “just keep attacking Whitey, eventually he will gave – invade all of his personal space, and he will make your feelings stop hurting.” But in actual real reality, this rampage they are on is just going to make it so they have no friends at all in the White world, and are thus left to fend for themselves – something they are biologically incapable of.
And now those wishing to call attention to the deaths of unarmed African American men at the hands of police have interrupted a 100-year-old World War II veteran. On Jan. 3, centenarian Dario Raschio showed up at a town hall meeting hosted by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) to receive awards for heroism, as OregonLive reported.
But when about 100 protesters showed up shouting “Hands up, don’t shoot” and “I can’t breathe” — slogans taken up by demonstrators after the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner — the town hall had to be called off. Raschio tried to intervene, with little success.
“These people who are here for a cause, whatever it might be — show respect to Senator Wyden,” said Raschio, who flew observational planes in five campaigns in the Pacific.
This is really not a good move if you are trying to get people on your side. Hundred year old war vets are something that most people like, as a rule, and attacking them and claiming they have to do something to help Black people who attack police is not going to go over well at all.

Please also note here that just as I said they would, these goofy apes are still shouting “hands up – don’t shoot” after an impartial grand jury found that Michael Brown did not have his hands up and was in fact beating Officer Wilson and trying to get his gun.
If that doesn’t show that these people live in a completely alternate reality created by pure feelings, than I don’t know what does.