Hannity Calls Out Ted Cruz on His Lying Scumbaggery

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 21, 2016

Even Sean Hannity can’t take Lyin’ Ted’s scumbaggery. Earlier this week, he called the bastard out on his avoidance of direct answers to questions, saying “I’m sick of it.”

Business Insider:

Conservative radio host Sean Hannity and Sen. Ted Cruz had a testy back-and-forth on the host’s Tuesday show, with Hannity telling the Texas senator at one point that he was “getting sick of” Cruz dodging “legitimate questions.”

The interview got off to a tense start. Hannity suggested that Americans were wondering about what role delegates play in the process of choosing a nominee, with talk of a contested Republican convention heating up.

Cruz sharply disputed this notion.

“Sean, with all respect, that’s not what people are concerned about,” Cruz said. “I’m campaigning every day. People are concerned about bringing jobs back to America. People are concerned about raising wages. People are concerned about getting the federal government off the backs of small businesses, and people are concerned about beating Hillary” Clinton.

Cruz said that the media “loves to obsess” about the process of choosing a Republican nominee for president. He said that what amounted to “whining” from Donald Trump’s campaign about the delegate process being unfair is “silly.”

Hannity came back at Cruz, telling him that he hears from people who tell him that they “find this whole process confusing.”

Trump has gone on a tear over the past several days, calling the delegate process “rigged” after a series of contests in which Cruz’s campaign outmaneuvered Trump in the battle for delegates. If no candidate reaches the required 1,237 delegates to lock down the Republican nomination, then many delegates who would be bound to Trump on the first convention ballot could vote for a different candidate on subsequent ballots.

Hannity pointed out that the Cruz campaign has focused on wooing delegates who might be able to switch their votes from Trump to Cruz on a second convention ballot.

“It’s more than a process question,” Hannity said. “It’s an integrity-of-the-election question.”

Cruz responded that the “only people asking this question are the hardcore Donald Trump supporters.”

Hannity told him that he had to “stop.”

“Senator, why do you do this every single time?” Hannity asked, cutting Cruz off as he was speaking. “You’ve got to stop. Every time I have you on the air, and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I’m getting sick of it. I’ve had you on more than any other candidate on radio and TV. So if I ask you, senator, a legitimate question to explain to the audience, why don’t you just answer it?”

The breadfaced Cuban then simply spewed more irrelevant nonsense, continuing to refuse to directly answer the question about his filthy business.