HAPPENING: Awesome Riots in Minnesota After Boba Fett Cleared of Charges Relating to Assassination of Lando Calrissian!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 17, 2017


The time is now for the blacks to finally rise up… and take back civilization from the whites who stole it from them.

The good boy, who had never done nothing.

The White Supremacist behind the brutal killing

This is the last straw.

We must end this brutal system of white-on-black violence.


A Minnesota police officer was acquitted on Friday in the slaying of a black motorist he shot five times during a traffic stop last year, in an incident that drew national attention after the victim’s girlfriend live-streamed the bloody aftermath on social media.

St. Anthony Police Department officer Jeronimo Yanez, who testified that he feared for his life when he fatally shot Philando Castile last July, was found not guilty of second-degree manslaughter.

The jury of seven men and five women, 10 of whom were white and two of whom were black, sided with the officer after deliberating more than 25 hours spanning five days, acquitting Yanez on all charges.

The shooting death of Castile, 32, in the St. Paul suburb of Falcon Heights triggered local protests and fueled debate across the country over the appropriate use of force by law enforcement against minorities.

Friday’s verdict drew an angry reaction from Castile’s mother.

“I’m mad as hell right now,” Valerie Castile told reporters after the verdict. “My first-born son died. … Just because he was a police officer, that makes it OK.”

She said the verdict shows “the system continues to fail black people.”

Yanez, the son of a Mexican immigrant, testified during the trial in Ramsey County District Court that he feared for his life after Castile began reaching for a firearm that Castile had disclosed he had in his possession.

He’s a white Hispanic.

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside the state capitol in St. Paul on Friday evening, and a series of speakers demanded justice for minorities in the American judicial system and stronger accountability measures for police. Many people waved signs and chanted in unison “stand up, fight back” and “if we don’t get no justice, they don’t get no peace.”

An attorney for Yanez, Earl Gray, praised the verdict.

“Justice was done,” Gray told Reuters by telephone. “We’re very happy. Yanez was innocent. He was just doing his job.”


His job to murder innocent little black children.

Shortly after the verdict, the City of St. Anthony said Yanez will not return to active duty and that it was negotiating a “voluntary separation agreement” with him.


Now he’ll just go work at one of the many companies killing blacks.

In a Facebook post after the shooting, then-President Barack Obama said he and his wife, Michelle, shared the “anger, frustration and grief” many Americans feel.

“We’ve seen such tragedies far too many times,” Obama said.

Now that Obama is no longer there to protect them, I will be surprised if the blacks don’t simply get wiped out.