Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 12, 2015

The media and the filthy monkey Holder simply wouldn’t let the Ferguson story die. And so it goes on.
This is what happens when you incite Black people. Everyone knows this is what happens when you incite Black people.
Two St. Louis County Police officers were shot outside the Ferguson Police Department early Thursday, according to acting Ferguson police chief Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff.
Bob Hoehn, a KSDK-TV photographer, reported two police officers were loaded into ambulances. One was taken immediately to Barnes-Jewish Hospital, a Level 1 trauma center and the teaching hospital for Washington University School of Medicine. The other officer was initially treated on the scene.
In a news conference outside the hospital around 2 a.m. CT, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said one officer was shot in the shoulder and one was shot in the face. Both officers were conscious, he said.
This is apparently the video of the shooting:
RT currently has a live stream of the “protests,” if you’re clicking on this just now.
For those who haven’t been paying attention to this, I’ll give a brief background.
It was determined by a serious investigation that the media and Holder were wrong with their claims of Michael Brown being a gentle giant with his hands up begging White supremacist cop Darren Wilson not to execute him because of the color of his skin. In fact, he was a criminal who had just robbed a Paki store and attacked Wilson.
The Justice Department released the report and everyone had to admit the entire Ferguson narrative was a complete fantasy, not even containing any kernel of truth.
This is all so insane. We need a Justice Department investigation into the media. They are still, just in these reports I’m reading now about the cop killings, referring to Brown as an “unarmed teen.” Well, Jews, look – if you are in a close-combat situation with a man with a gun, “unarmed” can very, very quickly become “shooting someone.” Talking about unarmed in the context of physical assault on a cop who has a gun is simply nonsensical. Not to mention the fact that Michael Brown was ginormous and in possession of two arms the size of tree trunks.
But even after it was clear that Brown got what he deserved, the media went all in.
As Steve Sailer wrote earlier this week when the Ferguson city manager was fired:
The Administration and the national media humiliated themselves over their Gentle Giant story. That they had gotten the facts backward was apparent by 8/18/2014, by which point the convenience store video and the private autopsy results were public knowledge. But they didn’t back off because they wanted to ride the Narrative to victory in the November elections.
So now they are just indulging in displays of Megaphone Power by acting like speed traps are massively important and vindicating for them.
So, out of spite, Holder and the media just went ahead and continued on with their race war in Ferguson, doubling-down and continuing to claim that all the cops are evil racists. They took some emails they had recovered in the Ferguson “civil rights” investigation, wherein a couple cops made jokes about Blacks, and blew it up into a report which the New York Times summarized thusly:
In a scathing report released on Wednesday, the Justice Department’s civil rights division described the Ferguson police and Municipal Court as a system whose primary function was to make poor black people pay as many fines and fees as possible for petty offenses, real or invented. It called the system and some of its people racially discriminatory, and the police brutal.
Following this, cops were fired, then the the police chief resigned Wednesday.

The actual reality is that Ferguson is on par with the rest of the country for Black arrest rates. So either the entire country is guilty of a massive anti-Black conspiracy, or Blacks in Ferguson commit crimes at the same rate as Blacks in the rest of the country.
But Blacks don’t understand this stuff. That is just the fact. They don’t get it. If you tell them they are victims, they are like “yeah we know we hate these muffuggen cops they always be on us.” And then this external reinforcement drives them into wild fits.
For them, they still don’t understand or care about the fact that Michael Brown attacked Wilson. That was never an issue for them to begin with, as they have a completely different definition of justice, viewing it in purely tribalist terms. So this is merely a continuation of the Michael Brown scenario, and they get more excited as the media continues to poke at them, encouraging them to become enraged.
Given all of this, it is not at all surprising cops got shot, and I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t happened more. But, it probably will happen more now, after these guys who did it get their pictures plastered everywhere as heroes.
If Charles Manson can be held responsible for the Sharon Tate murders, than absolutely Eric Holder and the Jewish media should be held responsible for the killing of these two cops. Honestly, the Blacks who did it shouldn’t even be charged. Everyone knows Blacks are incapable of controlling their emotions and impulses. They should simply be deported to Africa.
What a ridiculous mess this whole thing is.