HAPPENING: Mass Shooting Near DC, House Majority Whip and Others Shot!

Daily Stormer
June 14, 2017

Update 12:00 EST:

Trump gave his speech. The shooter is in the grave. He was a fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center on Facebook, by the way. One could only expect as much from a seditious shitlib terrorist.

Seriously though, the media needs to pay for this crime. This is two days after CNN was promoting Trump getting stabbed in a play. These people agitated for this. They demanded it. They wanted it. The blood is on the hands of the Jewish press, and Trump needs to round them all up and make them pay for this. They need to suffer. Their families need to suffer. They’re criminals, and he needs to declare martial law.


Shooter identified as James T. Hodgkinson, an unemployed home repairman from Belleville, Illinois. He recently posted on his Facebook, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” People are trolling the shit out of that and other threads. It’s open comments, so you can definitely have some fun there.

We can only wish that Trump had actually destroyed democracy, but perhaps this event will give him cause to mass execute shitlib scum like this preemptively to protect the lives of honest Republican shitlords.

He was a Bernie Sanders supporter.


This appears to have been an organized hit on Trump-supporting Reps.

Mo Brooks was also there.

I think it’s time for Martial Law.

In fact, in may be time for Trump to outright declare “WHITE SHARIA” as the official law of the land.


I’m just thinking of how lucky he was not to get his dick shot off. I mean you think about it – it’s inches away.


Anglin here.

Infowars is claiming someone was there asking if it was Democrats or Republicans and when they heard it was Republicans they opened fire. But Infowars just reads random fake news tweets on the air all the time.

A suspect is in custody. And while original reports said someone said the shooter “looked white,” the WaPo is not now reporting that, meaning it could be a light-skinned haji or whatever. Although, this isn’t really the Islamic terrorist MO in the West. I can’t think right now of a single incidence of an Islamic terrorist in the West specifically targeting politicians. They usually just kill random people, or if it’s targeted, military people.

So, maybe Infowars is right.

We’ll see.

Washington Post:

A police spokeswoman confirmed the suspected shooter had been shot and was taken to a hospital. Brown said five people have been taken to local hospitals, but the specific injuries were not immediately known.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) tweeted that a “shooter attacked a GOP baseball practice. Rifle. 50+ shots fired. 5 hit including Steve Scalise. I am not shot.” He estimated 50 to 100 shots were fired during batting practice.

Brooks told CNN that he heard a loud “bam” behind third base during a practice for an upcoming game against Democrats.

“I see a rifle, and I see a little bit of a body and then I hear another bam and I realize there’s still an active shooter. At the same time, I hear Steve Scalise over at second base scream — he was shot,” he said.

Brooks said he ran to the first-base side and hid behind a batting cage as gunfire continued. He said Scalise crawled out of the outfield leaving a trail of blood, and that he was given liquids and pressure was put on a chest wound.

In Washington, heavily armed Capitol Police cleared the East Plaza in front of the Capitol. Tourists and visitors were redirected and only staff were being allowed.

President Trump issued this statement: “The vice president and I are aware of the shooting incident in Virginia and are monitoring developments closely. We are deeply saddened by this tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with the members of Congress, their staffs, Capitol Police, first responders, and all others affected.”

Trump later tweeted: “Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, a true friend and patriot, was badly injured but will fully recover. Our thoughts and prayers are with him.”

That’s good.

He’s an okay guy.

He is a Trump supporter and once marketed himself as “David Duke without the baggage.”

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) told reporters that Scalise was awake after the shooting.

“He was coherent the whole time,” Flake said. He added that a female member of the Capitol Police security detail was airlifted out and a staffer was taken by ambulance to the hospital.

Flake said that it took almost 10 minutes to take down the shooter. Eventually, when the Capitol Police secured the area, Flake grabbed Scalise’s phone and called his wife to tell her what happened.

The gathering in the park in the 400 block of East Monroe Avenue was the final practice before Thursday night’s scheduled game between Republicans and Democrats at Nationals Park. The park is near the Potomac Yard shopping center on Route 1 and Old Town Alexandria. It has two well-groomed baseball fields, one big and one smaller. It is adjacent to a YMCA and across the street from a CVS and an Aldi grocery store.

Katie Fillus of Alexandria had just gotten out of her car to walk her dogs in the park nearby when she said she heard “very, very loud popping sounds.”

Fillus said a police agent pulled out a gun and tried to shoot back. She was screaming, “ ‘Drop your weapon!’ And he shot her and she fell on the ground.

lol @ female cop.

How’s that working out for you, bitch?

Feel powerful?

Has revenge been taken on daddy yet?

Reports of violence are extremely rare in Del Ray, a quiet, upscale neighborhood known for its shops and art and craftsman-style homes.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) was at the gym on Capitol Hill when he was informed of the shooting, according to two GOP lawmakers who saw him there. They said he immediately stopped his workout and headed out, guided by his own Capitol Police detail, which is always at his side. The lawmakers spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the speaker’s movements.

As Ryan left — and Capitol Police briefly told members about the shooting — the gym quickly quieted and members packed up their belongings to also head to their offices, the lawmakers said.

“Nobody knew what the hell was going on,” one of the Republicans said. “People just left.”

There was one notable departure from the normal level of protection inside the building: Three uniformed officers stood watch outside the first-floor office of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)

The real question I want an answer to is: why are these people all playing sports in the middle of the day on a Wednesday?

Our country is in a state of collapse, and these people are out playing leisure sports during work hours.

I haven’t even been to the gym in like a week and a half – long enough that I’m going to be sore as hell for three days after I go back. Because I’ve been WORKING.


Meanwhile these people are just out living it up – playing sports – in the middle of the day on a weekday.

Honestly, that fact is much crazier than the shooting itself.


Interview with Rand Paul, who was there.

He starts laughing about it at 1:45, saying he was hiding behind a tree and didn’t know which side to stand on because he couldn’t tell where the shots were coming from. He could just be making that up and was totally safe the whole time, but if he was just in a shooting event and hiding behind a tree and then laughing about it, that raises my opinion of him. You just assume all of these politicians are soft little faggots (hence the t-ball in the first place).

This is so nuts.

Everything is so nuts these days.

Whatever just happened here, the consequences are going to be monumental.

Also, no, Sam Hyde (the guy below in the fake CNN screenshot) didn’t actually do it.

That was just a joke.

However, you can spam it on social media. Just for fun.

There is, however, a suspect in custody we haven’t gotten any details on thus far.


Oh shit, guys.

This is going to lead to a clamp down.

And vindicate the Oath Keepers to boot.


Roger Wiliams from Texas was also hit.

Steve Scalise is undergoing surgery for a hip wound, so it sounds like he is gonna be okay, but you never know.

Original article follows.

Just happening.

No real details yet.

This is nuts.

The Hill:

A “multiple shooting” was reported early Wednesday at a congressional baseball game practice field in Alexandria, Va.

ABC 7 News reported a “multiple shooting” in the 400 block of E. Monroe Street.

The suspect is “believed in custody,” ABC reported, according to Alexandria police.

GOP Whip Steve Scalise and two Capitol Police officers on protective detail were shot, according to multiple reports

A reporter from Fox News also tweeted that staffers were hit.

“Right now, we’re secure,” Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) told CNN Wednesday morning.

Brooks said “at least five” people were shot, his voice breaking.

Brooks said Scalise was shot in the hip and was “dragging his body” to get away from the shooter.

Brooks also said he helped two shooting victims, applying a tourniquet to one unidentified staffer.

“You’re pretty helpless,” he added.

Brooks said the gunman had a semi-automatic rifle and stood behind a dugout.

“He appeared to be a white male,” Brooks said, adding that he only saw the gunman for a fraction of a second.

Yeah, you can mistake an Arab for that.

But an attack on politicians isn’t a normal Moslem pattern. So it could actually be a white male. You might suspect it’s a leftist, since it was an attack on the GOP, but I’m not going to make that assumption right now.

These are the days of the happenings, are they not?

I told you: every week is going to be weirder than the last.


We’ll keep you updated on this.