Happy Birthday, Adolf!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2016

nazi cake

Happy 127th, Old Man.

When it was known that the war was lost, Adolf Hitler told Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop to communicate the following to Winston Churchill, if he got the chance:

You will see. My spirit will rise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right.

This prophecized day, brothers, is fast upon us.

The whole world is in the process of waking up to the Jewish problem, and with it, the correctness of views and actions of Adolf Hitler.

The Jews, with their endless diabolicalness, have forced this realization.

The White race is waking up. We are reclaiming our identity, our position on the planet earth as the sole drivers of civilization.

The veil is falling away, as we look into the mirror, and see ourselves the way we really are.

The road ahead is long and the darkness still surrounds us. But the light ahead is finally visible.

Dawn has begun to rise.

Keep your head up, keep your eyes on the target.

The Jews cannot stop us anymore than they can stop the rising of the Sun.

hitler happy

Hail Victory.