Happy Birthday, Daily Stormer

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2017

The first Daily Stormer banner

As the nation reaches its 241st year, the Daily Stormer reaches its 4th.

I launched this website on July 4, 2013.

It has been a wonderful 4 years. I have enjoyed every day of it.

And it is an honor to serve you all.

Even the ones of you who are weird. I love you all.

We have accomplished amazing feats. We have become an internationally recognized news outlet.

And last month, we had 4.3 million unique visitors.

If there was a level playing field, and we were given access to the normal means of funding that every other website has, we would be among the top news sites on the internet right now. The sheer volume of money that has been stolen from us by the SPLC with their campaign of tortious interference is breathtaking.

But that does nothing other than show the power that we wield. They aren’t obsessively harassing any other “hate site” to anywhere near this extent.

It is because we have found a very efficient way to let the goyim know.

I don’t think a level playing field is coming anytime soon, but I’m happy to keep on fighting an uphill battle – and keep winning it.

Our movement elected Donald Trump.

We have changed the entire way the world works.

Right now, while the Jews who introduced this hell on earth that is modern society are dying off, kids in high school are reading the Daily Stormer and heiling Hitler.

Even the Jews themselves have admitted that we are cool and hip, while they are looked at as stale, uncool and evil.

In year five, we are going to do more than in the first four years combined. I can tell you that.

We are now doing Book Clubs, and this is going to be a big thing. I want you all to get involved.

Thank you all for reading this site.

I cannot tell you how humbled I am by the amount of people who come here to read my words every day.

There is nothing in the world I would rather be doing than what I am doing right now.

Thank you.

We have already crossed the Rubicon.

Now we’re crossing the Delaware.

Here’s to four more years.

Hail Victory.