Happy Birthday, Daily Stormer: A Lovely Three Years of Hatred

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2016

daily stormer

Three years ago today, I launched the greatest project the world has ever seen: The Daily Stormer.

The purpose of the project was to spread hatred for Jews and push for the TOTAL LIBERATION of Whites from the clutches of these Jews and their octopus-like tentacles which are strangling our people.

And after three years, we now get no less than three million visitors every month, viewing tens of millions of pages.


Stormer Troll Army: Jews never know where we shall strike next – because we strike like lightening!

Though we are not solely responsible for the rising Jew hatred across the White world – far from it – we have played a major role in the transformation of counter-culture, helped to formulate an entirely new way of looking at the world.

In short: mission accomplished.

Because the mission has been accomplished, I am hereby resigning from The Daily Stormer and shutting the site down forever. I will be running a new site whereon I will complain about social justice memes flooding comic books and turning them all into crap. I will also offer fitness and fashion advice.

The site will be called “Choice Lifestyles of Dashing Gentlemen.”

You can check that out here.

George W. Bush

I’m just joking.

We have accomplished a lot, but the mission is far from accoomplished.

The mission will not be officially marked as “accomplished” until Times Square looks like this:


We have done a whole lot though.

I mean. Seriously. We have effectively normalized virulent racism among large segments of the internet population. For the last year, we’ve been in the media non-stop with our hilarious spectacles.

I was going to do a “greatest moments in Daily Stormer history” post today, but I don’t even know where to start, we’ve had so many great moments. Plus I went to a BBQ and am late posting this, so I can’t sit around and remember of all these memories.

Please share your favorite Daily Stormer memories in the comments section.

CNN wished us a happy birthday earlier today, featuring one of our articles in a segment.

Also, please remember that we are now broke as a joke, and in dire need of shekels.

If you want to see three more years of storming – followed by a thousand year storm – please support the site.

As I explained yesterday, right now the only support options are bitcoin and snail mail (cash of all currencies, check, money order, whatever).



Cash or a check can go to this address:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

Thank you.

I love you all.



Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin
July 4, 2016